The new Hearthstone expansion is now a few days old and some first deck types have emerged. With this Hearthstone Guide, we'd like to introduce you to some proven concepts. Which have also achieved legendary status in this form.
Hearthstone Guide for Quest / Taunt Warriors
This deck is all about the new quest card: The Heart of the Pillar of Fire
The many mocking creatures allow you to hold out long enough to then hit the opponent or his servants for 8 damage every round with the Sulfuras ability (your hero ability becomes: "Inflicts 8 damage to a random enemy").
With “Journey to Un'Goro”, Blizzard has also released some very powerful new Taunt Servants that fit perfectly into this deck. For example:
As a warrior you still have Direhorn Cub and Irritable Direhorn. The Irritable Direhorn is particularly flexible due to its mutated ability and can be adapted to the situation. Especially against magicians and villains, a 5/5 ridicule servant with "Cannot be selected as the target of spells and heroic abilities" is very useful.
The Stone Height Defender and Direhorn Cub, on the other hand, offer 2 for 1 deals. With the stone height defender you can even choose which servant you want. A second or third Dirty Rat can be extremely useful against the popular combo decks. Eliminates her from a quest mage so that the archmage Antonidas stands, he is pretty stupid there.
If you are facing a pirate or a murloc shaman, it is best to choose a more stable ridicule servant who will oppose the onslaught. The tar creeper is always very practical at this point.
For the rest of the cards you choose a healthy mix between single-target spells like execution and shield strike, as well as mass destruction spells like whirlwind or skirmish.
A weapon like the Fiery War Ax should of course not be missing in any warrior deck. If you have a bloodshed, it is very useful in the endgame to keep the opponent's board clean or to surprisingly deal 7 damage. Together with “Die insect”, if you have already played Sulfuras, you can deal up to 15 damage in one round.
Adapting the deck to the opponents
As I'm sure everyone has already noticed, there are always deck trends that you come across more often. Sometimes you meet pirate warriors 7 times in a row and want to bite into the keyboard. Or the other way round: everyone is playing Secret Magier right now and you panic trying to prevent the combo with Archmage Antonidas. If you recognize such trends, it makes sense to adapt your own deck accordingly.
Against combo decks that rely on certain servants, such as magicians on the archmage Antonidas and 2x sorcerer's apprentice, the dirty rat is very suitable. If used purposefully, if it is foreseeable that the opponent has been picking up a card for 5 moves, there is a good chance of withdrawing a critical card from him. Just make sure that you still have the mana to kill the servant afterwards.
If, on the other hand, you increasingly encounter very fast aggro decks, then combos like Whirlwind + When the fish are sleeping are very practical. It can also be useful to exchange cards that cost more than 6-7 mana such as the Irritable Direhorn or Bloodscream for cheap ones.
For better card drawing, add 1-2 Acolytes of Pain.
As you can see from the sample deck list in our Hearthstone Guide, 5 slots have been left free to adapt the deck to your needs.
Mulligan - starting hand selection
First of all: be careful, you can actually throw away the quest card and that is rarely useful.
Tar crawlers and stone height defenders are good servants in the starting hand. Fiery War Ax is very good for early board control.
Whirlwind is useful against aggro decks such as shaman pirates / murloc decks or hunters and paladins. With that, you'll survive long enough to skirmish and sweep the board clean.
Example deck list with 5 free spaces:
- 1x {tooltip}The heart of the pillar of fire{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 1x {tooltip}Whirlwind{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 1x {tooltip}Dirty rat{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Fiery war ax{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Execution{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Smash{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Stone height defender{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Tar creeper{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Destructive ghoul{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Bloodhoof warrior hero{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Backyard blacksmith{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Skirmishes{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 1x {tooltip}Direhorn Cub{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 1x {tooltip}Irritable direhorn{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 1x {tooltip}The curator{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 1x {tooltip}Primeval dragon{end-text} {end-tooltip}
Deck list for direct import into the Hearthstone client
Just copy it and go to Collection -> Create new deck with the code in the clipboard:
AAEBAQcI / AS5sgLGwwLfxALJxwK8wwLTwwKixwILkQO7A5EGS7IIgq0C0q4C / rwC5MICm8ICysMCAA ==
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