World of Warcraft - Class Mounts and Hotfixes

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft developer Blizzard is rewarding you with new class mounts for your work on the Broken Shore and in the fight against the Burning Legion.

Those who have followed the story and the regular new updates have spent some time on the Broken Shore and have been part of the dangerous battles. As an award for the courage and bravery you've shown, your new mount is the perfect status symbol.

Once your success "Storming the Tomb" you can return to your order hall. There you will be duly celebrated and you will receive the new mount as a reward.

Here are some examples:


World of Warcraft Witcher










World of Warcraft priests



World of Warcraft magician








A complete overview of all mounts can be found on Blizzard's homepage find.

We then compiled the last relevant hotfixes.

World of Warcraft Hotfixes June 6th:

Legionfall Campaign

  • "The Blood of a Titan" should now be rated for the campaign quest "Champions for Our Cause".
  • Opportunity Makes Thieves now requires 5 Hidden Wyrmtongue Chests (up from 10).

Class quests for mounts

  • Kalec will now remain visible in the Mage Order Hall, while players can complete or accept class quests for mounts even when sent on a mission.
  • Fixed a bug with the appearance of the targets in Silvermoon and the Exodar for "Hide from All Eyes".

Hotfixes June 2nd:

Legionfall Campaign

  • Champions for Our Cause now requires 1 mission (up from 3).
  • Elite missions are now counted towards “champions for our cause”.


  • Südstade vs. Tarren's Mill

    • Killing a player or NPC always grants only 1 point.
    • The number of points required to win has been reduced to 150.
    • Guard health and damage reduced.
    • The time it takes for guards to reappear has been reduced.
    • The Alliance cemetery was moved to the docks.
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