Fortnite - The Survival Game now offers a Battle Royal mode

Fortnite Battle Royal

With the huge success of Battle Royal Shooters like PUBG, it is hardly surprising that more and more developers are adding a corresponding mode to their games. Fortnite, the sandbox survival game, is now getting a 100 player Battle Royal mode that anyone with Early Access can test.

Fortnite started early access on July 25th and offers a Minecraft-like crafting system in addition to the standard survival ingredients, with which you can quickly build your own hut, weapon, cover, stairs, etc. This of course offers a lot of new tactics and strategies in a Battle Royal mode.

Fortnite - Battle Royal with a dynamic world and building system

As the creative director Donald Mustard of Epic Games describes in the announcement trailer, the developers themselves are fans of games like PUBG or H1Z1 and think that the dynamic world of Fortnite and the building system are perfect for it. Thus, typically 100 players are dropped on the battlefield and only one can survive. The Battle Royal mode will be released for Early Access players on September 26th. If you don't want to wait that long, you can try out the new mode on the public test server. You should expect some crashes and errors.

Fortnite is available for PC, Mac, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and is still in Early Access. Publisher Epic received some criticism for the somewhat high starting price of 40 € for the basic version. If you consider that players pay entry to be alpha / beta testers, this is understandable. For those who generally have no problems with the idea of Early Access, there is currently a 25% discount on the various game editions and the standard founder package costs 29.99 €.

You can find the developer announcement video at the beginning of this article.

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