GWENT - Guide to the Mahakam Ale Festival

GWENT Mahakam Ale Festival

As the first holiday event in GWENT this week has that Mahakam Ale Festival began. By passing 3 challenges you can earn ores and a special avatar. For the expert version of the challenges there is Meteroite Dust, a title and an extra frame.

To help, we have written a little guide for you. These procedures work in normal and expert mode.

GWENT - glass sample

GWENT glass sample

This puzzle is fair and after 1-2 tries, once you have made yourself familiar with the cards, it is not particularly difficult. Some tips:

  • Zoltan Chivay makes short work of drunk sailors.
  • Use dwarf oil to move spoiled ale so that it only damages one of your units.
  • Your opponent has next to no remedy Yarpen Zigrinso reinforce it whenever possible.
  • Use your ale as early as possible to get the full benefit, especially the effect of creating new dwarfs.

Step by step solution:

Round 1:

  • Yarpen
  • Zoltan Chivay (Melee Row, Choose Yarpen and Opposing Drunk Sailors)
  • Mahakamer Ale (placed between Yarpen and Zoltan Chivay)
  • Mahakam Guard (Melee Row, Target Yarpen)
  • Spoiled ale (the opponent will probably react to this with an ale himself)
  • Dwarf Mercenary (Moves the Corrupted Ale away from Yarpen)
  • Mahakam Guard (Next to the Tainted Ale, choose Yarpen as a target)
  • Zwergensölder (move Yarpen away from the row with the spoiled ale)
  • Brouver Hoog
  • Mostly the opponent PASSED at this point, if this is not the case, it is best to restart the challenge. Unfortunately, coincidence plays a role here.

Round 2:

  • Mahakam defender
  • Mahakamer Ale (So that it reinforces the unity with tenacity)
  • Gabor Zigrin (Strengthen as many units as possible with it)
  • FIT

Round 3:

  • Sheldon Skaggs (Next to the defender)
  • Mahakamer Ale (Between Sheldon and Defender)

This approach worked in several tries, but a little chance can always ruin the plan.

GWENT - Battle of the Bards

GWENT Battle of the Bards

Step-by-step solution:

  1. Priscilla
  2. Wonderful melody
  3. Wonderful melody
  4. Priscilla (on a fire lioness from the opponent's melee line)
  5. Bard chords (on a fire lioness from the opponent's melee line)
  6. Priscilla (on an opponent's fire lioness)
  7. Victory!

GWENT - Enter: Schluckspecht

Enter GWENT: Schluckspecht

Round 1:

  • Odrin
  • Mahakam Guard (Being Consumed)
  • FIT

Round 2:

  • Sigrdrifa on your Mahakam guard (Sigrdrifa is consumed)
  • Mahakam Defender and Dwarf Skirmisher
  • Pretty Doll (Consumed)
  • Tordarroch shield smith and thunder potion (order almost irrelevant, try to get as much out of your potion as possible)
  • Tordarroch Shieldsmith (Something is Consumed)
  • An Craite Warrior and Thunder Potion
  • Zoltan Chivay (something is eaten)
  • An Craite Butcher on yours Odrin and a second unit that is as strong as possible
  • PASS (At this point both players are out of cards

Round 3:

  • Freya priestess on the strongest possible unit

This is only one way to meet the challenge, and consuming it randomly will produce different results. Several attempts with this approach have led to victory. I wish you success!

If you have more information about GWENT: The Witcher Card Game looking, look in ours Starter Guide. There all the basics as well as the maps and the Free2Play system are explained by us.

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