Since the patch on Wednesday, when the advance sales of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth started, 4 of the new races can be unlocked and leveled. The team at Blizzard has put together a small guide for this.
World of Warcraft - The New Races
To get access to the peoples there are 2 prerequisites: Exalted with a faction and a success:
- Hochbergtauren:
- Achieved at High mountain tribe the Awesome level.
- Closes the success No mountain too high
- Nightborn:
- Achieved with the Night addicts the Awesome level.
- Closes the success revolt
- Light-forged draenei:
- Achieved at the Army of light the Awesome level.
- Closes the success Now you are prepared!
- Void elves:
- Achieved at Argussian Advance the Awesome level.
- Closes the success Now you are prepared!
If you have completed the above requirements, you have to go to Orgrimmar / Stormwind in the embassy with a level 110 horde or alliance character and can then start recruiting the new races.
There are a few tips for earning reputation:
Visit the Darkmoon Faire for more reputation and XP
The Darkmoon Faire allows you to increase the rate at which you gain experience (before level 110) and reputation. Get into the Darkmoon Carousel for the buff JIPPIE! to receive or buy Darkmoon top hatwith which you can get buff at any time. While these effects do not stack, you still earn 10 % faster experience and reputation.
Tip: Keep the reputation-giving insignia from Order Hall missions in good condition. Use it with the Jippie! or with the buff of a Darkmoon Cylinder to get a little more reputation out of them.
The Darkmoon Fair opens its doors on the first Sunday of the month. So keep a close eye on your in-game calendar.
It's all a matter of plot
You will steadily gain reputation with each faction if you simply follow their quest lines.
- For the Highmountain Tribe, you must spend time on Highmountain in the Broken Isles. There you will get to know the people better and help them to reunite the divided tribes.
- For the night addicts, you'll need to delve into their story in Suramar in the Broken Isles. If you complete the quest "The Fate of the Nightborne", you will also receive the Arcanist Manasaber mount.
- For the lightforged draenei and the void elves you have to face the challenges on Argus and put an end to the Burning Legion.
Don't forget to venture into the associated dungeons as you progress through the storyline.
Explore the world (quests)
Countless world quests await you in the different regions. Emissary quests also give you additional reputation. If you want to increase your reputation with the Argussian Reach, focus on the quests in the Mac'Aree Zone.
Tip: Keep an eye on your in-game calendar so you don't miss the World Quest bonus event that gives you extra reputation. During this event, you will gain a passive buff that will earn you 50 more reputation in world quests %.
If you want to improve your reputation with the Highmountain Tribe, you can do so by repelling attacks from the Legion.
If you have successfully unlocked a new race and play a character up to the maximum level, you will receive that Traditional armor set with a special look. You are not allowed to use upgrades, faction / race changes and also not use bonus levels through the "World of Warcraft - Recruit a Friend" program.