After the fairly quick Maiev changes and adjustments, the Heroes of the Storm developers at Blizzard have released another hotfix today. But don't worry, the Game Balancing Team has not nerfed Maiev, instead there are mainly hotfixes. Including the symbol for Maiev's memory, which previously did not work 100%.
Heroes of the Storm Hotfix
Following the changes from the official homepage
- Genji: Fixed a bug that prevented certain attacks such as Malthael's Auto Attacks and Xul's Cursed Harvest, which hit adjacent targets, from removing stacks from Genji's Evade.
- Ice block: Fixed a bug that allowed certain skills to be used during Ice Block, including Jaina's Lightning Ice, Twinkle's Stormshield, and Malfurion's Astral Union.
- Jaina: The Ice Age talent now causes Jaina's water elemental to properly mimic her basic abilities.
- Lunara: The Gallop talent no longer provides a permanent bonus to movement speed bonus.
- Tyrael: The description of the Unwavering talent now shows the correct duration and armor bonus values.
- Maiev: If Spirits of Vengeance is cast at the same time the Citadel is destroyed, the spirits will now continue to move.
- Maiev: When Naisha's Memento is activated, an icon will now properly appear in the buff bar, indicating the duration of the ability.
- Nova: Fixed a bug that caused Holo Dummies to do slightly more damage than intended after learning Deadly Dummy.
- Rehgar: The Storm Front talent no longer increases Lightning Shield damage against non-heroic enemies.
About the "nerfs" to Maiev we already reported, you can find the corresponding patch notes here. Blizzard and professional Heroes of the Storm player Niels "Nurok" Gebhardt already delivered a little guide to the new heroine in the Nexus.