Into the Breach - micro tactics game with new approaches to the genre

Into the Breach

Turn-based strategy games such as the XCOM Series aren't exactly the prime example of innovation. The makers of the hit Faster Than Light (FTL) go with their latest work Into the Breach exactly this problem. With a whole range of new features and approaches, the retro graphic tactic game makes a lot of things different from the competition.

Into the Breach

The player slips into the role of the defender of the last remnants of humanity and goes to war against the aliens. We control our pilots who are sitting in huge 'Mechs. The battlefields are 8 × 8 fields and we can see from an oblique angle how the battle develops.

So the fights are rather small and a whole campaign can be done in just over an hour, but that is also the intention of the microtactics game. After the first continent, even the supposedly tiny battles become really difficult challenges.


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In this video, the colleague from PC Gamer shows the course of a fight in great detail. So you will surely notice the special conditions on this card. Each round “breaks” the bottom row due to an earthquake. All units that are there will be destroyed if they cannot fly. Since one of our 'Mechs is a kind Judo Having mastered flip, he can throw opponents over his shoulder onto one of the fields that are about to break off and doom them at the beginning of the next round.

Into the Breach
The opponents in the lower, jagged row are doomed.

Into the Breach - Without random elements, only the tactics decide

Unlike similar games, there aren't any Hit chance, So whoever is annoyed at XCOM at the crucial moment, a soldier who messes up the 90% hit chance on the huge enemy right in front of him, can breathe easy. There are no such moments of frustration here.

You even see them much more planned Actions of the opponent and have time to react accordingly. If the enemy artillery is aimed at your power plant and you can still turn it off this round, your energy supply remains intact. With the achievement of bonus goals you secure yourself the possibility to strengthen and upgrade your army between fights.

Already FTL was a real insider tip and with Into the Breach the makers seem to have succeeded in another great tactics game. Into the Breach appears on February 27th on popular platforms such as GoG.Com, Steam and Humble Store.

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