The Elder Scrolls Online - New expansion Dragon Bones is here

The Elder Scrolls Online

"Dragon bones“This is the name of the latest extension for The Elder Scrolls Online (TESO), which was released today. With a brilliant trailer, the developers are setting us up for another dragon hunt in the style of Skyrim one.

The ancient dragon skeletons of yesteryear rise from their graves and make Tamriel unsafe.

The Elder Scrolls Online - Dragon Bones

Update 17 "Dragon Bones" includes:

  • Two new dungeons: Scalecaller's Summit and Talon Lair
  • The fitting system
  • Storage bins for homes
  • More rewarding steps up
  • Combat Improvements
  • Two new battlefields: the Dome of the Deep and Mor Khazgur

The 2 new dungeons are intended for groups of 4 and offer prominent opponents:

Schuppenruferin summit

Zaan the scaler has returned under a new patron: the Daedric Prince of Pestilence, Peryite. With the help of her new master, she threatens to unleash a deadly new plague across Tamriel. You must enter the long-abandoned Temple of the Scalecaller, battle your way through monsters and cultists corrupted by the plague, and face the dragon priestess to thwart her malicious plans. 

The second new dungeon sounds no less exciting:

Claw Lair

The forgotten Dwemer ruins of the Talon Lair were once the last resting place of the mighty Dragon Thurvokun. Now they host a dangerous necromancer cult and its monstrous creations. However, the Black Marrow cult is looking for more than just forgotten treasures: They want to revive the bones of the long dead dragon themselves! Traverse the long-forgotten place and stop the powerful necromancer named Orryn the Black before he can use this terrifying new weapon against the people of Tamriel.

The DLC is free for ESO Plus members, players with FreetoPlay accounts can purchase the expansion for 1500 crowns in the crown shop

A collector's package with a pet and mount in a dragon look is available for 4000 crowns.

If you are interested, you can read the detailed announcement on the official The Elder Scrolls Online Homepage find.

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