PlayStation Plus March - Ratchet and Clank and Bloodborne Free

PlayStation Plus

March offers some very special pearls for you PlayStation Plus Subscribers. Next Ratches and Clank, there is the cult game this month Bloodborne.

Here is the overview of the free games in March:

Bloodborne (PS4)
Ratchet and Clank (PS4)
Legend of Kay Anniversary (PS3)
Mighty No. 9 (PS3 and PS4)
Claire: Extended Cut (PS Vita and PS4)
Bombing Busters (PS Vita and PS4)

Bloodborne in particular is one of the biggest exclusive titles for the PlayStation and was THE reason to buy a PlayStation for many fans of the Darks Souls games.

The new titles that have now been announced can be downloaded from March 6, 2018. The download of all titles that were intended for February is still possible until March 5th, 2018.

Here is the complete information on the PlayStation Network.

PS Plus March 2018 - These are the new games

The following titles will be available on PlayStation Plus in March:

Available for a limited time: The February 2018 Games

You still have a few days to download these games and keep them forever:

  • Knack (PS4)
  • RiME (PS4)
  • StarBlood Arena (PS4 / PSVR)
  • Grand Kingdom (PS4 / PS Vita)
  • Exiles End (PS Vita)
  • Spelunker HD (PS3)
  • Mugen Souls Z (PS3)
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