Overwatch - Brigitte the armorer joins the fight


You are what you wear! So could the motto of the newest Overwatch heroine Brigitte Lindholm, until now Torbjörn's daughter had more of the role in the background as the armorsmith of Overwatch.

But the ongoing fighting and its effects lead them to become active and not just limit themselves to repairing damaged armor.

As a support heroine, like her godfather Reinhardt, she has a shield, only much smaller and with her repair pack also provides healing or additional armor.

Brigitte's skills:

  • Flail
    • Brigitte's melee weapon has a longer range, which allows her to hit multiple enemies with one blow.
  • Repair kit
    • Brigitte throws a repair kit that heals allies. Healing that exceeds an ally's maximum hit points will instead grant armor.
  • Flail thrust
    • Brigitte uses her flail as a ranged weapon and hurls it at opponents who suffer damage and are pushed away.
  • Barrier shield
    • Brigitte activates a forward energy barrier that absorbs a limited amount of damage.
  • Shield push
    • When her barrier shield is active, Brigitte can dash forward and stun enemies.
  • fervor
    • Brigitte moves faster and gives all nearby allies armor that lasts until we are consumed by damage

Overwatch developer "explains" Brigitte

With these skills she provides a lot of support for her team while offering a slightly more offensive style of fighting. Especially against enemies with extremely "annoying" movement possibilities or escape possibilities ala tracer, your shield push comes exactly right.

In addition to the video with her story, which we added for you at the beginning of the article, Jeff Kaplan from the Overwatch team has published another video. He gives further background information and explains Brigitte's abilities:


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