Hearthstone - The new Echo keyword explained


With the new Hearthstone Extension The Witches' Forest new mechanics are also coming, one of them "Echo", is explained in detail by designer Peter Whalen.

Hearthstone - New keywords

Here goes Whales also looks at the ideas behind Echo and what the first drafts looked like. For example, the origin of the Echo card mechanism is described as "Ghostly" was born. At that time, the card had to be played in the same turn it was drawn, otherwise it disappeared. Ghostly cards worked especially well as cards that gave the player copies of themselves in his hand, and from these copies developed Echo.

Meanwhile, Echo Cards give you a copy of themselves in your hand the turn they are played and can be played again. At least as long as you have the necessary mana.

The big advantage is the flexibility, at the beginning of the game you can use the echo card once if you need it. If you draw it late in the game, it is still useful by playing it several times.

The video demonstrates several Echo Cards and gives further insights into how the new Hearthstone keyword works. More cards from the Witchforest expansion will be unveiled starting March 26. At the Hearthstone Homepage and the Facebook page you will find all maps published so far. From the 26th on, of course, the remaining maps will be available as well.

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