As every year, some developers are really trying hard with the April Fools joke, one of the highlights was the Battle Royale mode for yesterday Path of Exile.
Path of Exile - Battle Royale there can only be one ChickenDinner!
Because this was really implemented and could be played. Up to 100 players plunged into the fight for it To survive. Because there can only be one!
Other highlights
Fans of Pokemon Go and Final Fantasy 14 are likely to look forward to Final Fantasy XIV Go looking forward. You can walk around the area with your smartphone and mine raw materials. At the latest when the smartphone ends up in the water as fishing bait or splintered as an ax on a tree, it is clear that this was an April Fool's joke.

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Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Patch 1.5 is going to add Lootboxes & Horse Skins to #KingdomComeDeliverance. "We believe services which include optional digital monetization, when done properly can provide a very important element of choice which can extend and enhance the experience in our games" #WOWhorse™
- Warhorse Studios (@WarhorseStudios) April 1, 2018
Minecraft Java version with new textures
World of Warcraft with new holidays
Conan Exiles Measure your (sword) length:
Funcom announces the Conan Exiles Sword Ruler, a handy tool for measuring your weapon of choice and comparing it to others.
- CONAN EXILES (@ConanExiles) April 1, 2018
When someone who still has his Commodore C64 in the basement, it was announcement from Shovel Knight 64 especially cool:

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The gamer community on Reddit has a thread with many more April Fools jokes from various developers: