GWENT - player profiles now also on the homepage

GWENT profile

So far they were GWENT Player profiles only available in the game, as of today they can also be found on the GWENT homepage and can be easily shared.

GWENT profiles with useful statistics

Like the team at CD project red announced today on May 4th, 2018, the player profiles can now also be found on the website. There the button to log in with your account is located at the top right. This allows you to share important information with your friends outside of the game client. For example your win rate with a specific faction or your complete card collection for 100%. You can also find other interesting information there:

  • rank
  • Rankings MMR
  • Pro-Ladder MMR
  • Cards collection
  • Your winnings statistics by faction

You can easily pass the link to this profile on to your friends and share it, for example Twitter or Facebook.

If you don't really want to be seen in the cards, you can also open your profile Private put:

GWENT private setting

Here is the official message from the GWENT team:

Until now, your player profiles were only available within the game. We wanted to change this and hereby announce a new function on our website: shareable player profiles!

Similar to the functionality within the game, after logging in on our website you can see your rank, ranking and Pro-Ladder MMR, card collections and more!

You can also share your profiles with your friends on Facebook and Twitter!

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