The update for the Path of Exile Bestiary Liga mainly takes care of the magic effects that deal with corpses. Some of these skills also “destroyed” the corpses of special, rare beasts. These could then no longer be captured for the menagerie.
In addition, there are a number of bug fixes related to the Elders and other monster encounters. Below you will find the complete German patch notes for 3.3.2c, which will be released towards the end of the week.
If you're still looking for a fun build for the league, you might find it Arc Totem Guide of the famous Path of Exile YouTuber Mathil find interesting. The character is able to kill the various Uber bosses. You can find the video here or at the beginning of the article:

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Path of Exile Update 3.3.2c
We are still working on improvements for the Bestiary League. Later this week we would like to deploy patch 3.2.2c, where destroying the corpses of special beasts is no longer possible, so that you always have the option of capturing them with necromantic nets. In addition to this adjustment, the patch also contains a number of bug fixes. In the meantime, check out the full patch notes right now.
- The corpses of rare and legendary beasts as well as Albino Rhoas can no longer be consumed or destroyed (except for necromantic nets).
- The 'A Profitable Link' prophecy no longer prevents the Exalted Shards recipe from completing.
- Elder's loot will now only be dropped after it explodes.
- Fixed a bug where the Elder's corpse could be consumed, which would not trigger the explosion.
- Fixed a bug where the blood geysers would explode at the end of their duration when encountering the boss 'Saqawaler Strangler Spirit'.
- Fixed a bug where the 'Falling Ursa' monsters were shown as catchable in the Boss Fight on the 'Underground River' map.
- Fixed a bug where Corrupted Beasts summoned by the Bone Queen and Corrupted Rhoas were shown as catchable.
- Fixed a bug where the cursed monoliths in a 'Tomb' map with the 'Double' modifier did not correctly prevent damage from the scream of 'Doedre the Vandal'.
- Fixed a bug where the Madness Summoner could continue to spread Eerie Decay in the Elder encounter while your character was dead.
- Fixed a bug where the clones created by Teleport and Clone Arrow could live longer than it was shown.
- Fixed a bug where characters with 'Chaos Inoculation' could die due to a rounding error. This mainly occurred with players who were influenced by 'intoxication'.
- Fixed a bug where the 100% decreased skill mana cost value prevented total mana cost modifiers from not being applied.
- Fixed a bug where aspect skills would stay active after death but not reserve mana.
- Fixed a bug where the exit from the boss room in the 'Contaminated Valley' map could be deactivated after the boss was defeated and another player subsequently entered the boss room.
- Fixed a bug where the boss room was sometimes inaccessible in the 'Slum' map.
- Fixed a bug where the textures of character models in the creation screen were loading too late.
- Fixed two instance crashes.