The start of the Hearthstone Witchwood expansion was not only very successful, but also amazingly flawless. However, a few small bugs crept in, including problems with the interactions between cards such as Chameleos
A hotfix was released today on the US servers that addresses these problems. Hopefully the following bug fixes will be released on Wednesday during the weekly maintenance.
About the very popular on the one hand and hated on the other Schamenen horror loot deck will be discussed at Blizzard this week. The actually funny deck in which all battle cries are repeated by the new Hexenwald Legendary, sucks some players' nerves due to the endless magic animations. You skin 3-4 times Horror dog one after the other, it can take 5 minutes until all effects are processed and the opponent is defeated. If you look at the whole thing from the winning side, of course you have the peace of mind, on the other side it looks a little different. Many voices from the gaming community have therefore asked for a feature to switch off or shorten the animations.
We'll be reading more feedback over the weekend and will revisit the Shudderwock topic early next week. Checking out both animation timings and feedback on the deck playstyle itself. Let us know what you think and enjoy Witchwood!
- August Dean Ayala (@IksarHS) April 14, 2018
Hearthstone Hotfixes Apr 16, 2018
- Fixed an issue where Chameleos retained the stats after copying a transforming Worgen card that would make all future cards copied maintain those stats (including Hero Cards and Weapons)
- Voodoo Doll should no longer destroy minions that have been bounced back to the hand and played again
- Fixed an issue where Voodoo Doll could destroy a hero if it targeted a Chamelos that was bounced back to hand and copied a Hero Card
- Resolved an issue where silencing a minion targeted by Voodoo Doll would visually remove the enchantment
- Drakkari Enchanter will no longer cause transforming Worgen cards to have stats of 0/0
- Resolved an issue where copies of transforming Worgen cards with different mana costs would change those costs when they transformed (Splintergraft copies, Sonya Shadowdancer copies, etc)