God of War - Community reveals the greatest secret

God of War

God of War is an unbelievable success and already thrilled hundreds of thousands of fans in the first week. One of the biggest mysteries has now been solved on Reddit. In the Collectors Edition, a note was hidden on one of the included gimmicks, a fabric card.

God of War - Secret solved unexpectedly quickly

The developers had believed that it would take longer Detectives on Reddit but only needed a week. 3 runes were placed on the cloth card, which when deciphered resulted in the following:

“The brilliant Huldra smiths Brok and Sindri have traveled the world to Midgard to make this great card for the giantess Faye. They found a mysterious treasure in a place between them. At the end of their journey, the treasure was forgotten. Brok followed his lead and accused Sindri of having lost the treasure. Sindri followed his own footsteps but he knew very well that it was Brok's fault, that they couldn't find the treasure, and it wasn't found and the brothers never spoke to each other again. "

The game director Cory Barlog also responded directly on Twitter:

According to the wording, there are other unsolved or undiscovered secrets in God of War.

Various videos on YouTube already show the solution:


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