The latest patch V.4.1 for Fortnite brings that announced mashup with the Avengers and gives you the power of a god. If you Thanos Infinity glove finds and puts on, nobody stands in your way anymore.
With the glove you have a number of powerful attacks at your disposal, such as a jump attack, an AoE strike, a shot with damage over time or the super jump. The whole thing is a time-limited event in which the Fortnite makers work together with the producers of the hit movie Avengers: Infinity War.
in the save the world Mode, meanwhile, comes a new weapon, the HackSAW, with which even hordes of opponents pose no threat to you. The lightweight, stationary machine gun offers efficient ammunition consumption, but suffers from a longer reload time.
You can find the complete German patch notes below:
Fortnite V.4.1
Fortnite: Battle Royale
Limited Time Mashup: Infinity Glove
Defeat Thanos, put on the glove and claim victory!
- Rules of the mashup
- At the beginning of the match, a meteorite crashes onto the island, bringing the Infinity glove into play.
- Every player who puts on the Infinity Glove becomes Thanos.
- When Thanos is eliminated, the glove falls to the ground and can be picked up by anyone. Should it lie there unused for too long, it will disappear until another meteorite comes along.
- The last surviving player is declared the winner!
- Thanos' properties
- Ability 1 - A powerful blow that knocks back enemies and destroys buildings.
- Ability 2 - Thanos falls to the ground, causes damage in an area and pushes enemies away.
- Ability 3 - Harness the power of the Power Stone to fire a shot that deals damage over time.
- Ability 4 - With his super jump, Thanos can overcome all obstacles except the highest.
- Thanos has both shields and stamina. When he eliminates another player, his shields regenerate. His condition cannot regenerate.
- Thanos cannot take fall damage.
- Thanos cannot build or use weapons or objects such as jumping surfaces. He is not dependent on these human toys.
- Storm and map
- Matches last a maximum of approximately 15 minutes.
- By the time the match starts, the eye of the storm is already shrinking.
- The storm causes more damage than usual. With the first eye, every tick takes 5 % stamina and for the rest of the match 10 %.
- prey
- Only rare, epic and legendary weapons spawn.
- Chances of treasure chests spawning increased from 50–70 % to 80–90 %.
- Chances of ammo boxes spawning increased from 65–80 % to 85–95 %.
- Prey on the ground has a near 100 chance to spawn %.
- Jump surfaces are much more likely to spawn.
- Double the amount of resources is harvested.
- Loot resources increased from 30 to 60.
- Drinking jugs, pocket fortresses, boogie bombs, slurp juice, bushes, and remote ignitions appear more often.
- Normal grenades, shield items and bandages appear less often.
- It's 25 % more likely that the last eye of the storm is in the outskirts of the map.
- The final battles now take place in more diverse locations and less often in the center of the map.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where spray themes could camouflage remote detonators and sticky grenades.
- A bug with the building preview has been fixed, where the preview could not be rotated if it intersected an existing building and if you were using a controller.
- Fixed the lack of effects that appear when scoring a soccer goal ⚽.
- Fixed a number of issues that caused the player camera to position underwater in Loot Lake.
- Fixed the collision of stacks of tires causing players to ricochet off if they run into them.
- Plugged a hole in Dusty Divot that players could get stuck in.
- Fixed an incorrect area where players could hide under the terrain and inflict damage on other players.
- Fixed an issue where the turbo build function would not work properly if the player held the build button before entering build mode.
- Fixed the issue where a chest in the prison would turn out to be empty when opened.
user interface
- You can now join groups of players who are already in a match.
- The group members in the match will be displayed in the lobby as a hologram, and you will be informed of game time and remaining players.
- New items have been added to the in-game Battle Pass FAQ for Season 4.
Bug fixes
- The loading screen when transitioning from the starting island to the battle bus has been removed.
- Fixed a bug with the minimap that could cause your position to appear incorrectly briefly after you were eliminated.
- Fixed an issue where some UI icons were misaligned after entering and exiting build mode.
- Jump stones are quieter now ????.
- The hang glider "Wing of Courage" is quieter ????.
Bug fixes
- The supply delivery sound effect that sounded when the balloon burst due to damage or opening the delivery has been added again.
- Fixed an issue where the “Allow background audio” setting was not being saved.
Weapons and objects
Bug fixes
- Jump surface health bars now correctly update after being damaged.
- Fixed an issue that made it difficult to collect items dropped behind the Pocket Fortress tires.
- The Pocket Fortress can no longer destroy the meteorite in Dusty Divot.
Graphics and animations
- Emotes are now performed better on different characters (hands are where they should be; legs are not stretched, etc.).
Bug fixes
- The Battle Pass level 69 banner icon should now display the correct image.
- Fixed an issue where the Royale Flags back accessory was elongated when viewed in the locker.
- Fixed an issue where helmets would sometimes hover over characters' heads.
- Fixed a bug where distant characters were animated incorrectly if they had never been calculated before.
- Fixed popping up characters at different levels of detail in cases where multiple characters were roughly equidistant from the player.
- Optimizing movements and updates has increased the overall frame rate in cases where many characters are visible.
- Since the "Game Over" HUD caused a stutter when it died, it now appears delayed.
- The “spray paint” contrails have been optimized.
- Content on the lobby card has been optimized.
- The game now keeps a more detailed log so that you can get more information about stutters that are difficult to understand.
Bug fixes
- Fixed some stuttering caused by spam in the audio log.
- The game keeps fewer logs in the background in cases where this would damage performance.
- The asynchronous load times during level streaming have been weakened by fixing a bug where bushes should be loaded even though it did not have a polygon mesh.
Repeat function
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where retries were not being saved.
mobile devices
- The new functionality of automatic running has been temporarily withdrawn, as other actions could be carried out unintentionally when using it.
Bug fixes
- The use of the main memory has been optimized for mobile devices in order to do something against crashes due to full memory.
Fortnite - save the world
Weapons and objects
- HackSAW is now available as a weekly item.
- A variant of the light machine gun with a moderate rate of fire, weak recoil, a long reload time and very efficient ammunition consumption.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where Shadow Stance would not trigger from Throwing Star or Dragon Slash damage.
- Fixed an issue with the tooltip for "One in Each Hand" in the Skills tab.
- "Dragon Strike" should no longer consume energy if it is canceled by changing weapons.
Missions and Systems
Bug fixes
- Storm Chests and Salvage the Drone missions no longer grant item supplies.
- These missions are not allowed to grant item supplies even though they did drop supplies that could not be redeemed.
user interface
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from increasing the hero's frequency level when using a controller.
- Corrected a misspelling in the description of "Storm Shield Defense 10 in Bru Valley" (English version).
Graphics and animations
- The appearance of hulls that have been damaged and frozen by an ice weapon has been improved to better distinguish them from hulls with the ice element.
Bug fixes
- The glowing parts of neon flares are now less bright.
- Fixed an issue where the crosshairs of neon light and Vindestech sniper rifles would not appear at low resolutions.
- Fixed an issue where splashes of water triggered by rocket launchers were pointing in the wrong direction.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where the “Allow background audio” setting was not being saved.