Fortnite Patch 4.2 brings the advantage conspirator

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The "save the world“Mode of Fortnite gets in the next patch 4.2, a long-awaited feature, the benefit conspirator. With this you can choose and improve the advantages of your weapons and traps.

In addition to the extreme success of the Fortnite Battle Royale he comes save the world The mode is sometimes a bit short, but this feature is extra for the main game players. To the Advantage conspirators to unlock the "Storm Shield Defense 2 in Plankerton" to be finished.

After that, 2 related missions become available, after which you will receive a whole lot of the necessary resources after they have been successfully completed. Since the 2 missions are the easiest way to get the resources for the benefit conspirator at the beginning, you should definitely complete them.

You will find the official announcement of the Fortnite Teams with the necessary explanations for the new feature:

Fortnite - advantage conspirator

Ever since we started Save the World, we've had a way in which players can customize items to suit their play style. Now it's finally here, and we're so excited to introduce it to you!

We present the advantage conspirator!

Received in patch V.4.2 her the opportunity to choose and upgrade the perks of your favorite weapons and traps!

How to unlock the conspiratorial advantage

The advantage conspirator is unlocked after completing "Storm Shield Defense 2 in Plankerton". At this point, two related side jobs also become available. As soon as you have completed these, you will receive a large amount of the new resources with which the benefit conspirator operates. You should definitely complete these missions if you really want to get started with customizing your items!

You can access the Perks Conspirator by going to the Item Upgrade screen and selecting the Modify Perks option.

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To replace and upgrade benefits, two new resources are required: VORTEIL-FIX! and VORTEIL-PLUS !, depending on what you want to do.

ADVANTAGE FIX! is available in all missions and difficulty levels from Plankerton. ADVANTAGE PLUS! appears at the same point as VORTEIL-FIX !, but has different degrees of frequency. You only get the rarer variants in the higher levels of difficulty. You will be able to receive them as rewards for missions, mission alerts, and repeatable assignments. They are also available in the event shop during the blockbuster event.

You will also have the option to choose the element of your weapon. For this modification you need the elementary resources FEUER-PLUS !, NATUR-PLUS! and FROST-PLUS! You can get these resources in Mission Alerts and Repeatable Quests.

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New items and legacy items

The benefit conspirator ensures a comprehensive change to the previous benefit system. With the new system, benefits can become stronger than ever. You can replace unwanted advantages with better ones and upgrade them further in the course of the game to finally get the perfect item.

However, the new system also has a major limitation: each Advantage slot can only contain certain advantages. Newly received items are already designed for this limitation and players can immediately start upgrading or replacing the benefits. Legacy items (items that you received before V.4.2) are still addressed Not after the new structure. Such items must converted before they can be upgraded and changed via the perk conspirator.

Conversion of Legacy Items

If players attempt to modify the benefits of a Legacy item, they must first consent to the item being converted to the new system. The player is also presented with a before and after view of the item, in which one can read any changes. In some cases everything stays the same, in others the current benefits change. Sometimes you even get a "free slot". With free slots you can choose what kind of slot it should be at no additional cost, after this you have consented to the conversion.

In any case, the conversion is free and is carried out individually for each item. This means that you will need to convert each and every Legacy Item before it can work with the Conspiratorial Benefit. Once an item has arrived in the new system, you can start customizing its benefits!

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Advantage slots

Each newly acquired item or converted legacy item receives its benefits slightly differently than before:

  1. Elemental items have corresponding benefit slots that determine the weapon’s element damage type. Elemental damage is not simply put on top of suffering damage, slowdowns and other effects.
  2. For every benefit there is now five Strength levels (previously three). Players can now customize benefits gear upto reach their higher levels. So if you want to get the most out of your Legacy Item, you should convert it to the Conspiratorial Benefit!
  3. Each benefit slot can only contain certain types of benefits. Although players can replace the advantage in one slot with another, they can only choose from a list certain advantages choose. The list differs depending on the slot. Some benefits cannot be changed at all!


The Conspiratorial Benefit is our next step towards creating a thriving, interesting item economy in which YOU determine the properties of your items. We look forward to your feedback on the new feature, as we want to further adapt and improve it in the future.

Thank you for reading and happy puzzling!

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