Heroes of the Storm ranking changes for the third season of 2018

Heroes of the Storm

The 3rd rated one planned for June Heroes of the Storm Ranking season will be postponed to July 9th due to many adjustments. In a blog post, the developers give an overview of the planned changes. We have already reported on some of the plans.

Here are the upcoming highlights:

3. Ban in the team election

Both teams receive another ban in the selection phase. The feedback from the community played a major role:

 “When we announced the addition of a third ban in team pick mode last month, we suggested adding it to the ban phase in the middle of hero picking. However, many players said they would rather have him in the early stages. After considering your feedback, we decided to pursue this suggestion. We want to thank everyone who shared their thoughts with us; Your feedback helped shape this change. We hope that it will give you additional strategic depth when choosing a team! "

Expiration of MMR and Rank Points

Inactive players in the Diamond, Master, Grand Master League are slowly but surely corrected downwards in their ratings after the update. The period until the onset of expiry depends on the league and there is an additional grace period. To stop the decline, all you have to do is play a match in the Hero League.

leagueInactive days prior to expirationAdditional days grace period


Heroes of the Storm - Placement Games

Here new players can no longer be rated higher than Gold 5. In the old system it could happen that the rating was too high and the players had to accept a series of defeats until their player assignment rating (MMR) had adjusted according to their skills.

In addition, the ranks or the performance and MMR between the different game modes are separated. So far, the result could be falsified if players had very high ratings in other modes and were therefore rated higher than intended.

Changes to player assignment

While the players are in the queue for their match and suitable opponents are being sought, the developers have so far placed more emphasis on short waiting times. This could lead to unbalanced teams. Based on the feedback from fans, the rules are now more focused on balanced, fair matches. Of course, depending on the season and league, this can lead to slightly longer waiting times.

This change is currently only available for the Heroes of the Storm Hero League, but in the long term, adjustments to the remaining game modes will also be made in the summer.

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