World of Warcraft - World Quests Bonus Event helps farm with reputation

World of Warcraft image of the new Tauren people

This week's bonus event in World of Warcraft brings extra resources and a reputation buff through world quests.

In World of Warcraft is call Farming is very important, especially at the beginning of an expansion, because the + 50% reputation through world quests buff is just right. Even those who are still busy with it new breeds unlock, they are happy about the additional reputation.

Below are the full details of the Blizzard event:

World of Warcraft - Bonus Event Worldquests

Open the map and plan a route now to explore every corner of Kul Tiras and Zandalar. It's a great way to take a closer look at the world quests.

This week

Throughout the week you can open the map (standard shortcut: m) and then select the regions of Kul Tiras or Zandalar to see the available world quests. Move your mouse over a world quest on the map to see which tasks are required to complete it, what rewards await you and how long the quest will be available.

This week you can expect:

  • Chronicler Schoopa in Zuldazar and Boralus has a quest for you.
    • Requirement for completing the quest: Complete 20 world quests in Kul Tiras or Zandalar
    • Reward: 1,000 war resources
  • Passive buff: +50 % reputation gained from world quests

If you've always wanted to impress a few ambassadors, this week is made for it!

Every week

The system of bonus events consists of a rotation of various activities that currently start weekly on Wednesdays. Each bonus event gives you a passive bonus for a specific activity in the game and offers you a quest once per event with a remarkable reward for achieving a corresponding goal. You can check the event schedule at any time using the in-game calendar. In the adventure guide you will find active bonus events and you can easily accept all associated quests.

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