Anthem - Gameplay Trailer


Bioware is breaking new ground with developers who are known for deeply engaging story games Anthem introduced a Destiny / The Division style action RPG shooter.

Anthem - THE competition for Destiny 2?

Two trailers showed the new title at the Microsoft press conference at E3 tonight.

The Gameplay trailer shows a lot of scenes from the game with its almost 7 minutes length:


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Anthem is set in a futuristic world in which the players are so-called freelancers. The freelancers are the only ones who leave the protective walls and explore the outside world consisting of primeval jungle. Since nature is full of dangers in the form of beasts and aliens, the players wear combat suits, so-called Javelins.

Javelins come in different shapes and sizes, some are more mobile, others more heavily armored and carry more weapons. The equipment can be changed by the player, equipment pieces either fall as loot or can be crafted. Finding the perfect javelin for your own play style should provide long-term motivation.

If you are satisfied with your Javelin, you travel beyond the walls and explore and fight for what it takes, always looking for more experience and loot.

Up to 4 players can explore the open world together in a group and complete quests together.

Both trailers made a strong impression, the fluidity of the fights and the impressive graphics make Anthem, clearly a strong competitor for Destiny 2.

Bioware - The game company known for its good stories

One thing that many fans missed, however, was the chance to experience some of the story. The gameplay trailer only shows the furious action, although Bioware is known to fans for the story and captivating backgrounds.

Especially with the studio, which is known for Baldur's Gate, Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic, Dragon Age, Mass Effect and many other titles, one would have expected that the focus would be on the story. Fast action with endless missions and only one rough main story, that is what the competitors already offer. The chance for Anthem would be to stand out from it with a really good story. Bioware also manages this with online games such as Star Wars: The Old Republic, which was highly praised for the background stories of the individual classes. Let's hope that organic goods also show their strengths in Anthem.

There is not yet a specific release date, so far the programmers are aiming for spring 2018. Anthem will be released for PC, Xbox One, Xbox One X and Playstation 4.


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