Anthem - Postponed to 2019


The efforts of some press officers to make their company look good sometimes produce rather funny statements. That's how Electronic Arts has its open world action RPG Anthem Postponed from late 2018 to 2019, but the game is not lagging behind and that's not a postponement. It's just going to be released later ... ok!

Even if the topic is a joke, a publication at the end of 2018 was not officially confirmed and announced. Nevertheless, there was talk of a date later this year and no matter what the reason, it is a postponement. This is so common in the games industry that no one flicks an eyelid as long as there are no delays in the Duke Nukem Forever and category 14 years acts.

Anthem - With the Exosuit through the air

Cynical voices on Reddit came after the loot boxing excitement in Electronic Arts Star Wars: Battlefront II, of course, the delay associated with the implementation of loot boxes in Anthem. For which, however, there are no indications and indications. So maybe you shouldn't ruin your anticipation unnecessarily.

Because Anthem made a good impression in the first trailers and screenings. The hope a kind of improved Destiny 2  was a reason for many players to celebrate Anthem after the disappointment of Destiny 2.

As a mercenary you are out and about with up to 3 team members in the open world and face dangers in the strange environment. You are equipped with javelin exosuits, which can also be adapted to personal preferences:

“Use an arsenal of javelin exosuits, each with unique weapons and abilities. Customize it with the equipment you get and make, then use it to fly, jump and climb through an open world. "

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