ARK: Survival Evolved - Aberration date and information about the towers

ARK: Survival Evolved

Today was the release date for the ARK: Survival Evolved Extension Aberration set for December 12th. This means that the update will be available on the live server in just 2 weeks.

ARK: Survival Evolved - The country needs new towers

A big change affects the current updates, but also the towers in the game:

The developers go into the adjustments in detail. A few days ago it was announced that the use of towers would be limited to the official server. After the great feedback from the community on this topic, the developers have postponed the time for this again.

So the original plan will be modified and not implemented on December 5th.

The new "Heavy turrets"Should be introduced on the 27th, along with a limit. This then also serves as a test run for the limitation of all towers. The developers will decide how to proceed on the basis of their experiences with the "Heavy Turrets" and the renewed feedback from the community.

The players should definitely switch their bases to the new "Heavy Turrets". At the 12th of December becomes the new card Aberration, start directly with the tower limit. This means that neither cars nor Heave Turrets can be placed there if you are over the limit. 2 weeks later, this change should also be active on the remaining cards.

There is also a Thanksgiving event and a decent discount on the game on Steam. Right now is ARK: Survival Evolved for half the price, 29.99 €.

The even more detailed explanations of the developers about towers can be found on their Steam page.

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