ARK: Survival Evolved - No more server wipe

Ark: Survival Evolved

The end of Early Access for Ark: Survival Evolved on August 8 is getting closer and closer. The developers asked themselves about another wipe. Over a year ago the official statement was that there would be no wipe. The discussion in the community has been going back and forth over the past few weeks. Arguments for a fresh start for everyone, compared to the veterans who have already made their homes on the servers, were lively exchanged.

ARK: Survival Evolved - New server cluster at the end of Early Access

The final statement from the developers is that there will be no more wipe. The decision was made for a further, new server cluster that will go live for publication. This will give new and old players a fresh start. In addition to the new servers, the improved network code is also installed, which fixes a lot of problems, exploits and other problems, so the new servers should remain unaffected.

The previous servers were given the addition of Legacy. Since the fan community has concentrated on a few servers, as is so often the case, some of the remaining servers are relatively empty. The servers that have been idle for a long time are gradually being relocated and the hardware redistributed. Players on these servers have the option to move to other legacy servers. However, it will not be possible to switch from legacy servers to the completely new servers.

Quote from the developer:

To be clear, if you're playing on a Legacy Server you will not be able to transfer to the new Official servers and Legacy servers will still receive total and complete support (just like the New Officials) in regards to Game Updates and future ARK Expansions, so you can expect to see future DLC servers added to the Legacy Cluster.

 The complete You can find news from the developers in the Steam News Find

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