Cyberpunk 2077 - First details from the E3 + trailer

Cyberpunk 2077

The first presentation for CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk 2077 passed and provided some long-awaited information. The developers have made it clear that the game will be a true story-driven, single-player role-playing game. So no attacked online mode like with some other games.

There was also a very clear no to the topic Microtransactions: "Microtransactions? In a single player title? Are you crazy? "

It's been more than 2077 days CD project red decided to develop Cyberpunk 2077 and put the first trailer online. After that there was nothing new to learn for a long time. The team was busy with The Witcher 3 and the two expansions for the RPG Epic.

As soon as the work on Blood & Wine DLC was finished, work on Cyberpunk really started. In this preparation and concept phase, the team was still silent because they didn't want to announce anything without something tangible.


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Tonight the time had finally come with the release of the trailer and the vision of the new cyberpunk game was presented.

"Our vision of Cyberpunk, an alternative version of the future where America is in pieces, megacorporations control all aspects of civilized life, and gangs rule the rest. And, while this world is full of adrenaline, don't let the car chases and guns mislead you. Cyberpunk 2077 is a true single player, story-driven RPG. "

“Our vision of cyberpunk, an alternate version of the future in which America is dismembered. Megacorporations control all aspects of civilized life and gangs rule the rest.

And don't let the auto hunts and weapons confuse you, Cyberpunk 2077 is a real single player RPG with a story. "

Accordingly, we can also expect further features and DLCs, similar to The Witcher 3.

Hopefully there will be more information and details about the game system during E3. When it comes to the release date, there is unfortunately only the proven "When it is finished". Since we owe this philosophy to The Witcher 3, it can hardly be contradicted.

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