Dark Souls Remastered - Discount for owners of the PC PTD Edition

Dark Souls Remastered

After a long time there is now a discount for owners of the PC version of Dark Souls on the pc. Anyone who owns the first version of Dark Souls, published as “Prepare to Die Edition” PTDE via Steam, receives a 50% discount when upgrading or purchasing Dark Souls Remastered.

At the same time, the Prepare to Die Edition will no longer be available on Steam from May 8th. The remastered version will be released on May 25th. Whoever owns the game on Steam will of course keep it, Steam will not remove the purchased game. It is only no longer available to new players, who only get Dark Souls Remastered.

Dark Souls Remastered - Now with a discount

According to initial statements, there should be no discount. The fan base reacted very angrily to this. Because the upgrades for owners of Dark Souls are rather minimal and partly free by the Mod DSFIX to obtain. Only the improved online or multiplayer function was not enough for many players to justify a second purchase of the cult game.

The discount makes switching easier and should prevent the feared division of players. Just that PvP players looked forward to new opponents and PvE fans hoped for a revitalization of the "jolly cooperation", ie the interaction with like-minded people.

The multiplay system of Dark Souls ensures in all parts again and again for great experiences in which the players face the dangers or invasions by other players together.

Dark Souls Remastered will be released on May 25th for Xbox One, PC and PlayStation 4. The Switch release has closed postponed to summer.

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