Dark Souls Remastered - Switch version postponed to summer

Dark Souls Remastered

The time until the Dark Souls Remastered is getting shorter and shorter, at least for PC, PlayStation and Xbox. Switch Owners have to show a little more patience. As Bandai Namco UK announced today on Twitter, the Nintendo Switch version will be postponed to summer.

Dark Souls Remastered - Only the Switch version moved

Mainly graphically revised Dark Souls Remastered Version should be released on May 25, 2018. For the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC version, this date will also remain, only the switch version will be postponed. This also shifts the release of the Solaire of Astora Amiibo to which a lot of fans, even without Switch, have cast an eye. Praise the Sun!

Dark Souls Remastered Solaire Amiibo

The planned network test of the Nintendo Switch version should continue to take place. This was answered to a fan request via Twitter:

"Yes it is still happening. Network test for Nintendo Switch will take place to estimate a load factor for the server before the launch. We are confirming the date based on the release date, and will announce later on "

A network test date will be given as the test approaches and depends on the final release date.

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