DayZ - New graphics engine should finally be ready


The history of the development of DayZ could well be called The Neverending Story, the Zombie Survival Game has been in Early Access for 4 years.

According to the lead producer Eugene Harton 2018 is finally the year of DayZ. With a new graphics engine, the game should finally be released on PC. At the same time, the implementation on the Xbox should be finished. The new engine is almost referred to as a reboot of the title on the PC.

When asked whether "publish" really the end of the Early Access Phase would mean, the answers were rather evasive. So maybe the neverending story will go on after all.

DayZ - Created as ARMA 2 Mod

DayZ was created as a stand-alone version of the ARMA 2 Mods DayZ. There, players were able to prove themselves as survivors for the first time and the zombies still proved to be a real threat back then. The enormous popularity of streamers on Twitch was also a huge success. One of the biggest Twitch streamers at the time Lirik, regularly reached 25,000 and more viewers.

The well-known Battle Royale genre, its most famous representative, later developed from the mod scene Playerunknown's Battlegrounds and Fortnite meanwhile inspire millions of players.

DayZ does not want to mess with these top dogs, but rather sees itself as a hardcore simulation. The planned realism should also surpass the relatively realistic PUBG.

The developers' statements took place at the ID @ Xbox event for indie developers, an official announcement with exact dates from Studio Bohemia Interactive does not exist yet.

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