It's crazy what and how some developers hide secrets in their games, Death Stranding developer Kojima has in this regard with the E3 trailer set a new milestone. As the hobby detectives among the fans have since found out, a secret message is hidden in her medallion at the end of the trailer when Lindsay Wagner's character was first presented.
The medallion, which can also be seen on the “film poster” for the trailer, represents one Quipu These were the knot script of the South American Incas and served as script until the conquest by the Spaniards and the replacement by the Latin alphabet.
Fittingly, there was a tweet from developer Kojima about Quipus in November:
Went 'Ancient Civilization of The Andes'. Fortunately it wasn't crowded at all so I could spend more time. They even had Quipu of Incan Empire.
- HIDEO_KOJIMA (@HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN) November 25, 2017
Icelandic band inspired by Death Stranding?
The decoded code is the melody of a song called: "Give me an Answer“By the Icelandic band Low roar. The song was released a year ago and the music video has some mysterious scenes. The video is about 3 people who stay in a run-down motel and pull straws in a room while their driver waits outside by the car.
One after the other, 2 go into the bathroom of the room and step onto a strange looking machine that is housed in the shower. Then they are replaced by a black, oily substance covered, but these sequences are in the dark and not clearly visible. After a few special effects, the two disappeared and the last survivor drives away with the driver.
The sequence with the oil in particular is of course reminiscent Death Stranding and the director confirmed that the game was the inspiration for the video. The band Low Roar has been associated with Death Stranding since the 2016 E3 trailer, when another of their songs was used for the trailer.

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Well, at least this riddle has been solved, now only the most important Death Stranding secret remains: the release date!