Diablo 3 - Mini Patch

Diablo 3

Who today his Battle.Net App or Diablo 3 started, was looking forward to a small update for Diablo 3. However, if you wanted a surprise update for the coming 14th season hoped but was disappointed.

The patch only contained minor backend improvements and support for Razer Chroma Link devices.

Diablo 3 Patch 2.6.1a - v2.6.1.50649

You can find a list of known bugs in our bug report forum.

If you encounter errors while installing the patch, connecting to Blizzard services after installing the patch, or playing with the new patch, please visit our customer service page or post in our technical support forum.


Razer® Chroma Link

PC peripherals that use this technology are now supported.

Backend improvements

Changes have been made for better server-side game performance.


With that the last hope for possible balance changes or new seasonal items for season 14 dies. Diablo 3 season 14 starts on Friday, June 15th at 5:00 p.m.

The currently ongoing 13th season ends on Sunday, June 3rd at 5:00 p.m. In the break between the 2 seasons, you have enough time to play your non-season characters and clear your mailboxes with seasonal items.

Blizzard has placed the times quite well and so there is hardly any overlap with the league of competitor Path of Exile, which starts on June 1st. The new Incursion League of FreeToPlay game brings massive new features and revised skills.

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