Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Announced for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

Divinity: Original Sin 2

Hardly any other game was celebrated as much as last year Divinity: Original Sin 2. Be it the brilliant story, the characters, the combat system or the countless solutions for missions etc., etc. the list goes on and on. No wonder then that the game is already more than one million Times on PC.

Divinity: Original Sin 2 - implementation with Bandai Namco

Today's announcement of a console implementation of the RPG hit is all the more gratifying. In August 2018 Divinity: Original Sin 2 will be released not just for them PlayStation 4but also for that Xbox One Console. This means that even those who have previously stared enviously at their PC colleagues can enjoy this masterpiece.

The console versions are created in cooperation with the developer Larian Studio with publisher Bandai Namco. The console gamers can enjoy the same functions as the PC owners. So will that too Co-op mode where friends can get into the game without any problems on the consoles. So you can tackle the epic campaign together and even if someone has to leave your party, you can continue seamlessly. The PvP arena should also be implemented, as well as the dynamic split screen.

RPG fans can already register a vacation for August.

For newbies in the world of Divinity: Original Sin 2 we have already compiled 3 articles with tips for beginners:

First part of the beginner tips

Second part of the beginner tips

Third part of the beginner tips

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