DOOM Eternal - Gameplay Video from the Quakecon

DOOM Eternal cover picture with demon

Doom 2016 was a huge success for publisher Bethesda, no wonder that the successor is already at E3 DOOM Eternal was announced. At the current Quakecon, the developers showed the public almost 25 minutes of gameplay as a video.


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DOOM Eternal - New weapons for the modern Doom Slayer

Our protagonist slaughters himself as proven by the monsters and demon hordes of hell. Of course, improved weapons and finishing moves should not be missing.

Here is the official description:

“With upgraded armor and a full arsenal of new equipment, you continue your fight against the hordes of Hell. Take on twice as many demons in DOOM Eternal, including fan favorites from the DOOM classics like the Archviles, the Pain Elemental, and the Arachnotron.

In our Gameplay Reveal presentation we show you Hell on Earth and Phobos - two of the many different worlds in which you can find yourself in DOOM Eternal. Watch the DOOM Slayer as he uses his good old guns as well as powerful new tools to destroy his opponents - the new butcher's hook mod for the super shotgun, an extendable blade and the shoulder cannon with flamethrower are particularly exciting . "

Via Twitter there was also the information that DOOM Eternal will appear on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and also on the Nintendo Switch. So the version of Doom for the Switch must have been quite successful if Bethesda and ID Software are going directly to the mobile console this time. Unfortunately, there is no release date yet.

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