Far Cry 5 - Long-term new content with the Arcade platform

Far Cry 5

In many games, fan-made content and mods meanwhile ensure long-term gaming fun, including Far Cry 5 should that happen. Thanks to a fairly extensive editor, which among other things contains the assets of the last Far Cry games, all possibilities are open to the community.

Far Cry 5 - content for years

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, fallout or The Sims are perfect examples of titles that are kept “fresh” years after the campaign has been played through. Thanks to a huge fan community and committed hobbyists who create entire campaigns or complete conversions of a game, there is regular new content and adventures. For example, there is a mod for Skyrim that shifts the game from the icy northern lands to tropical regions including sandy beaches etc.

There are no limits to the imagination of the fans and the ideas often exceed the possibilities that the programmers thought possible.

The plans of the Ubisoft developers aim for a similar lifespan for Far Cry 5. The “Farcry Arcade” editor presented in the video offers undreamt-of freedom and, in addition to the Far Cry 5 assets, also has the Assets of the last games in the series. Assets include the graphics and elements that make up the game world, e.g. vehicles, wall parts, lamps, decorations, weapons, monsters, pets, etc. etc.

Modders can choose from these many thousands of elements and create extremely different worlds and levels. Even assets from the Watchdog series should be available.

Far Cry 5 will be released on March 27 for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. We slip into the role of a small town sheriff who has to assert himself against a cult that threatens to take over the entire area.

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