Fortnite - Patch V.4.2 brings the advantage conspirator

Fortnite - quadruple launcher

Patch V.4.2 brings Fortnite players not only healthy fruit, but also the volley assault rifle (epic and legendary) and finally the Advantage conspirators for the Save the world mode.

Eat yourselves fit for the fight to the life and death!

Apples can be found on the Battle Royale Map under trees (where else?) And give back 5 stamina when consumed. The new epic and legendary Volley assault rifles deal an impressive 32/33 damage and use medium ammunition.

Fortnite - volley assault rifle

In Fortnite save the world Modus is now finally available Advantage conspirators to choose and change the advantages on your sketches. You can get it after completing the quest "Storm Shield Defense 2 in Plankerton". After that you will receive some side orders to get the new raw materials for the "Storm Shield Defense 2 in Plankerton". These are one of the best ways to get started with resources, so be sure to take them with you.

Fortnite - conspirators

But that's not all, because there is also a new weapon, the Quadruple rocket launcher.

Fortnite - quadruple launcher

Below you will find the complete German patch notes for Fortnite V.4.2:

Fortnite V.4.2


  • The standard controller button assignment has been renamed from "Standard" to "Old School".
  • Texture streaming has been expanded a bit for Xbox One so that blurry textures appear less often.
  • For PS4 controllers on Mac, chat is now opened with the touchpad and no longer with the SHARE button.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the mouse pointer was not visible in the loading screen on Windows and Mac.
  • Fixed several causes of rubberbanding. This includes mistakes switching in and out of sprinting as well as aiming.
  • Fixed some inconsistent labels in screens for controller button assignments.
  • In the match, text for group members should now be updated in the correct time.

Fortnite - Battle Royale

Weapons and objects

  • Epic and legendary volley assault rifles have been added.
    • Can be found on the ground, in treasure chests, in supply, and can be purchased from vending machines.
    • Deals 32/33 damage (epic / legendary).
    • Uses medium ammunition.
    • Uses the same damage reduction at a distance as other assault rifles.
  • From now on, apples can be picked up.
    • If you eat one, you will get 5 stamina (healing up to 100 stamina).
    • Apples sometimes lie under trees that are all over the menu.
  • Impulse grenades appear 5 % more frequently.
  • Silenced submachine gun
    • Damage increased by 3.
      • Common variant damage: 20 (up from 17)
      • Damage of the unusual variant: 21 (previously 18)
      • Damage of the unusual variant: 22 (previously 19)
    • Aiming accuracy is restored 25 % faster.
      • The deductions from continuous shooting are weakened as a result.
    • Damage reduction only occurs at greater distances.
      • Damage reduction starts at 28 yards (up from 24 yards).
      • Damage is reduced to 85 % at 47.5 meters (down from 80 % at 35 meters).
      • Damage is reduced to 75 % at 70 meters (down from 65 % at 50 meters).
      • At 250 meters, damage is reduced to 65 %.
  • Damage trap
    • Damage reduced from 125 to 75
    • Reset time reduced from 6 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Remote ignition charge
    • They now damage all buildings within range, whether or not there is line of sight from the center of the explosion.
    • Damage radius and throw distance have been increased.
    • The delay between consecutive explosions has been reduced from 0.25 seconds to 0.175 seconds.
    • The delay before detonating one charge or throwing the next has been reduced from 0.75 seconds to 0.15 seconds.
  • There is no longer a delay between switching to a grenade and aiming with the ability.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where remote detonators could destroy the meteorite in Dusty Divot.
  • Assault rifles no longer appear to eject multiple cartridge cases per shot.
  • Fixed an issue where the jumping area could not be used if it was activated by multiple players at the same time.


  • The option to automatically pick up items has been added for PC and consoles.
    • This automatically picks up weapons and consumables when you walk over them (you need to have space in your inventory). They are placed in the next free inventory slot.
    • The function can be activated in the settings.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that could cause turbo build to fail if another button was pressed before releasing the button.
  • Fixed an issue where you could bypass the time to equip a weapon if you had previously canceled the usage animation of a consumable item.
  • Players can no longer crawl through the ventilation shafts of the research facility in Dusty Divot.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from opening doors. The game could not correctly assess whether someone was blocking the door.
  • Fixed an issue that caused certain cosmetic items to display incorrectly in the lobby.
  • A hole has been plugged in the area near Lucky Landing.
  • Fixed an issue where looted chests were shown as unopened.
  • Fixed an issue where players could sprint through a certain area of water in Loot Lake at full speed.


  • Overall server performance has been improved.
    • The tick rate of the servers was increased from 20 to 30 updates per second.
    • This should make movement and shooting more responsive, and overall ping times should be better for all players.
    • The network bandwidth was increased slightly.
  • Material now loads twice as fast, which means that buildings and characters load faster and stuttering should occur less often.
  • Fixed some significant hitching when encountering certain cosmetic items for the first time in a match.
  • By optimizing the particle effect, the frame rate has been increased when using jumping stones.
  • Fixed an issue where distant players appeared to jump way too high if their connection was momentarily bad or the server was stuck.


  • So that you can better distinguish the sounds of steps above you from those below you, steps above you now sound different, depending on the material the player is walking on.
    • Wood creaks, stone crunches and sounds like gravel, and metal rattles.
  • Harvesting weak spots are now quieter when they show up ????.
  • Grenade launchers explosion sounds are now louder to better match the volume of other explosions ????.
  • The wind noise when flying the hang glider is now better faded out when landing.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the sound would stop on death.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a observed player's steps, jumps, and landings to sound like they were coming from the left or right. This could occur when the player was moving, and especially when looking through a telescopic sight.

user interface

  • Emotes can now be used in the lobby by pressing the right analog stick.
  • An emote button will now appear at the bottom of the lobby.
  • Nvidia ShadowPlay Highlights is now disabled by default (PC only).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where controls on the map would not work while observing.
  • Fixed an issue where team members would not appear on the map during a match.
  • Fixed an issue where the consumption progress of jumping stones was not displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Trap Placement Interface would appear while looking at surfaces where traps cannot be placed.
  • Fixed an issue where the arrow on the minimap would not display correctly when watching a player.

Graphics and animations

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where spray subjects could affect moving objects (bushes carried by players, soccer balls, etc.).
  • Fixed an issue where the Battle Dog's pants would stick through his robe when he was running.

Repeat function

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where eliminations were not showing up in the replay list.

mobile devices

  • HUD customization was added.
    • Please note, however, that this feature is still being developed.
  • As a result of an optimization, only a limited number of spray motifs is now calculated at the same time.

Fortnite - save the world

Missions and Systems

  • Now new: the advantage conspirator (more information is available here on our blog)!
    • You can access the Perks Conspirator by going to the Item Upgrade Screen and selecting "Upgrade"> "Modify Perks".
      • This feature will be available once you have completed Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 2.
      • After completing it, you will unlock a series of tutorial missions for the benefit conspirator and receive enough resources to complete them too.
      • All players who have already completed "Storm Shield Defense 2 in Plankerton" will receive these tasks and resources immediately.
    • With the advantage conspirator you can choose the advantages of your sketches yourself and even reinforce these advantages.
      • For each slot there is a list of certain allowable benefits. You can choose your desired advantage directly from it, without something being thrown randomly!
      • Benefits get two new strength levels, which can make sketches better than ever!
    • Sketches that you obtained before V.4.2 (legacy sketches) must be transferred to the new system before their advantages can be modified.
    • The perk swallower uses brand new resources!
      • VORTEIL-FIX (for changing and upgrading advantages)
      • VORTEIL-PLUS (for upgrading advantages)
      • FIRE-PLUS (to change the weapon element after fire)
      • NATUR-PLUS (to change the weapon element according to nature)
      • FROST-PLUS (to change the weapon element to water)
    • Benefit resources will be available in the event shop (from Wednesday, May 16 at 2:00 p.m. CET).
  • The frequency levels of weapons and traps can now be improved.
    • Requires the same ingredients as when upgrading heroes' frequency level.
    • Legacy sketches must be transferred to the new system via the benefit conspirator before their frequency level can be upgraded.
    • These upgrades are unlocked in the skill tree along with the 2-star advancement skills for weapons and traps.
  • Normal missions and mini boss mission alerts from Plankerton onwards have been updated to sometimes include ADVANTAGE FIX and ADVANTAGE PLUS as secondary rewards. This results:
    • Crafting materials (ore, parts, etc.) appear much less often in later zones.
    • XP and development materials (raindrops, lightning in a bottle, etc.) appear a little less frequently.
  • Elemental Storm Mission Alerts are now available.
    • All elemental hulls in these zones are restricted to the respective element of the zone.
    • Each zone rewards the players with benefit materials appropriate to their element: FEUER-PLUS, NATUR-PLUS and FROST-PLUS.
      • These particular advantage materials, in combination with VORTEIL-FIX, can change the advantage of a weapon sketch and thus its element.
    • Quote: 2 of each material
  • Repeatable missions are now available that grant perk materials upon completion.
    • The job "Open X supplies" grants VORTEIL-FIX when completed.
    • The job "Kill X Fog Monsters in Successful Missions" grants ADVANTAGE FIX upon completion.
    • The missions, in which you have to kill fire, nature or water hulls, grant the corresponding elementary benefit material on completion.
      • NOTE: Elemental hulls can be found in Plankerton and later areas.
    • The job, in which you have to kill a full chrome shell, grants VORTEIL-FIX upon completion.
  • Battles in Repair the Bunker
    • In order to reduce the length of the battles, their completion no longer depends on time.
    • Instead, players must now eliminate a certain number of hulls in each battle.
      • However, the final stand is still time-based.
    • In each of the first three battles, the number of enemies increases by 10. The number in the third battle is then retained.
  • Mini llama rewards are now based on the type of Storm Shield Defense.
    • Previously, players received mini-llamas (1 to 4) based on their performance in the mission, regardless of their level of difficulty.
    • Mini-Llamas are now rewarded as follows:
      • Steinwald: 1 to 4
      • Plankerton: 2 to 5
      • Bru Valley: 3 to 6
      • Twine peaks: 4 to 7
  • New scoring in missions:
    • It is no longer necessary to adhere to the building limits in Mission to get the maximum points and rewards.
    • Compliance with building restrictions now affects the victory badge.
  • Critical Hit Rating:
    • The critical strike chance is now determined by the critical strike rating.
    • All perks that previously granted critical strike chance now increase critical strike rating instead.
      • In the new system, all of your critical hit ratings are added together.
      • The overall rating is then converted into critical hit chance.
      • This critical strike chance is then added to the base critical strike chance of the weapon.
    • Changes to the critical hit rating only affect newly received sketches or sketches that have been transferred to the new system via the benefit conspirator.
    • All heroes and defenders now use critical strike rating.
    • Along with these changes, the base critical strike chance of all ranged weapons has been increased by 5 %.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that prevented certain missions from rewarding you.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from receiving rewards. Now they are getting these rewards.


  • The following hero perks have been adapted to the new hit rating system (these new values roughly match the critical hit chances of the old perks):
    • Eagle eye
      • Increases the critical strike rating of pistols by 18.
    • Critical strike chance for Hammer
      • Increases the critical strike rating of blunt melee weapons by 18.
    • Critical Hit Chance for Hammer - Support Perks
      • Increases the critical strike rating of blunt melee weapons by 8/13/18.
    • Anatomy lessons
      • Increases the critical strike rating of sharp melee weapons by 18.
    • Anatomy Lessons - Support Benefits
      • Increases the critical strike rating of swords, axes and scythes by 8/13/18.
    • Adjustable choke
      • Increases the critical strike rating of shotguns by 8/13/18.
    • Pain control
      • Each assassination stack now grants 3 melee weapon critical strike ratings.
  • defender
    • Critical strike advantage with ranged weapons
      • Increases the critical strike rating of ranged weapons by 13.
    • Critical strike advantage with melee weapons
      • Increases the critical strike rating of melee weapons by 13.
  • Ninja
    • The area of effect of "Star Fan" is now wider at close range.

Bug fixes

  • An error in the tooltip for "Safe Shot" has been corrected, as it mentioned critical hit chance and not critical damage.
  • "Shockwave", "Throwing Stars", "Crescent Kick" and "War Scream" no longer cost energy if you stop them immediately by changing weapons.
  • Fixed an issue where the “frag grenade” would not be thrown when the button was released.
  • Fixed an issue where the Prep support benefit was not properly applied to the Demolisher Constructor subclass.
  • A tooltip bug has been fixed, which caused all "BASIS" benefits of the designer to be displayed incorrectly.
  • Fixed a tooltip bug that caused all of the Explorer's "phase change" benefits to be incorrectly displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where a Constructor's Enduring Machine perk was applied to all allies, not just himself.
  • Fixed an issue where using Phase Shift right next to an enemy could result in landing in unexpected locations.
  • Fixed a number of bugs where fast-firing shotguns could cause lag on explorers with the "Shock Shooter" benefit.
  • The tooltips for the tactical advantages "BASIC Rhythm" and "Cluster bomb" have been corrected to clarify that they are not stacked.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a collision with the Monsun weapon when thrown "throwing stars".
  • The specified radius of "Kabumm und Bang" is now consistent with other tooltips.

Weapons and objects

  • The quadruple launcher is available in the weekly event shop (from Wednesday, May 17th at 2:00 a.m.CET).
    • Is charged with 4 incendiary rockets, the explosions of which leave burning surfaces.
  • There are several new advantages. These cannot appear on legacy sketches (sketches that you received before V.4.2).
    • Building restoration (only for traps)
      • Restores the condition of the connected building section every 10 seconds X %.
    • Effect duration (only for traps)
      • Increases the duration of all effects caused by the trap.
      • With new sketches, this also replaces the advantages of extending the stunning duration.
    • Increased building condition (only for traps)
      • Increases the maximum condition of the connected part of the building by X %.
    • Attack speed (only for melee weapons)
      • Increases the attack speed of melee attacks by X %.
    • Damage resistance (only for melee weapons)
      • Gives X % damage resistance while the weapon is equipped.
    • Lifesteal (for melee weapons only)
      • Heals the player for X % of the damage done.
    • Movement speed (only for melee weapons)
      • Increases movement speed by X % while the weapon is equipped.
    • Damage against fog monsters and bosses
      • Increases damage against fog monsters and bosses by X %.
    • New element type: physical
      • Deals non-elemental damage, although the base damage is much higher.
  • Founder's Revolt now has a new unique benefit.
    • This is only available after you have transferred the legacy sketch to the new system via the benefit conspirator.
    • Other sketches cannot have the advantage.
    • Bullets jump to a nearby target, doing 100 % of the damage they did to the first target.
  • The Founder's Blazing Masamune now also has a new unique benefit.
    • This is only available after you have transferred the legacy sketch to the new system via the benefit conspirator.
    • Other sketches cannot have the advantage.
    • Every sixth successful attack triggers an explosion that damages a small area.
  • The Founder's Blazing Masamune no longer causes energy damage, only fire damage.
  • Remote detonators, pulse grenades and sticky grenades no longer take up space in the inventory. Their description has been updated to reflect that they will no longer exist outside of missions.
  • Sketch perks to improve critical strike chance now grant 10/15/20/25/30 critical strike rating.
    • Legacy Sketches will continue to use the old critical strike chance values.
  • The effects of headshot damage perks are now multiplied rather than added together.
  • The game mechanics of weapon pain effects have changed:
    • Sorrow effects are now stacked based on their element (physical / energy / nature / fire / water).
    • Ailments no longer stack based on weapon type (melee or ranged).
      • (Example) Enemies can have a maximum of one weapon-based damage per element and player.
    • Sorrows can now be renewed even if the duration of the original sorrow has not expired.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Dragonfury Rocket Launcher's area effect would not damage the surrounding area.
  • Fixed an issue where the turbo pad was previewed at the wrong size.
  • Fixed an issue where the bottom freezer and bottom griller were previewed in the wrong position.


  • Changes to the assigned loot on the ground:
    • Assigned loot is only visible to the player who can pick it up. This includes gift rewards from secondary mission objectives.
    • The nameplates have been removed for assigned loot.
    • Some items dropped by enemies may also be assigned. This includes crafting materials of various levels, rare crafting materials, and ores.
  • Traps for a variety of purposes (jumping surfaces, turbo surfaces, healing pads) can now be triggered immediately after placing them, regardless of whether the building underneath is finished.

Bug fixes

  • 45 whisper shots are no longer blocked at close range when standing near a wall.
  • The correct materials are now consumed when crafting the Neon Gun.
  • Fixed an issue where projectiles could not collide with BluGlo suction cups.

user interface

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a graphics bug that caused the images of rewards (chest, gift, box) that are opened after the mission to be displayed incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where it was impossible to navigate through the Event Shop menu when event items could not be purchased.
  • The controller input icon that had covered the storm shield menu box is now hidden.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Extend Shield” option in the Storm Shield menu would not work with a controller.
  • Fixed an issue where players would return to the sketch screen after refining an item.
  • The collection can now be controlled normally again with the controller.
  • In one case, a bug has been fixed that caused the "Level Up" button to temporarily not work when viewing on consoles.
  • In some cases the incorrect health bar of damaged plants has been corrected.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused shielders to die if they changed position near an enemy they shielded.
  • Fixed an issue with the bulky blockbuster sleeves that caused them to appear twice in some missions.
  • The slider's dive attack can no longer damage players through walls.
  • Fixed an issue with the mini boss modifier "Building Blocker" as it would not block buildings.

Graphics and animations

  • The shield has a new model, new animations and effects.
  • The visual effects of the floating turret have been updated.


  • The sounds and other sound effects of shields have been updated.
  • The gunshot sounds of automatic weapons now adapt to the rate of fire if it has changed.
  • The audio of Ride the Lightning missions has been improved
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