Fortnite - Patch V.4.3 brings shopping carts

Fortnite shopping cart

Party buses, jetpacks and hoverboards are all bogus, because now you can get through with a shopping cart Fortnite drive. Of course, as some might remember from childhood, you can race across the map with 2 people on a cart.

The shopping cart is initially a feature of the Fortnite Battle Royal Mode. Hopefully the extra space for your partner will help you win there. Furthermore, the patch brings new UI elements that show, for example, the challenge progress in the match.

in the save the world Modus continues with the second part of the blockbuster event “A hero is born”. Together with Ray you go to the rescue of Spitfire and unlock a mythical hero for you. In addition, there are new daily orders, 2 monthly free upgrade llamas at the end of the month. Voice chat mode is also finally supported in the Save the World mode, even across platforms.

Below you will find the detailed German patch notes for Fortnite V.4.3

Fortnite V.4.3


  • Turbo construction: After you have placed the first part of the building, the next part now follows faster.
    • 0.15 seconds after holding the button down, the first part will be built (unchanged). Every part that you then build with turbo construction will be placed after 0.05 seconds.
    • This should fix the issue that sometimes a building would not be placed when building quickly.
    • The time difference between the first building (0.15 seconds) and the turbocharged buildings (0.05 seconds) is so that players have more time to change the building type or rotate parts.
  • "Edit Mode Target Aid" has been added to the game settings.
    • This has always been enabled for controllers. Now you have the option to switch the feature on or off.
    • With the edit mode aiming aid, your crosshairs will be attracted to the nearest building tile, and it will be slightly limited to that while editing the building section.
  • Save the World and Battle Royale now have their own loading screens that appear after selecting the mode.

Bug fixes

  • Turbo construction is no longer canceled when you switch through your traps to get to the next part of the building on your quick bar.
  • The sound effect for lack of resources is no longer played repeatedly if you want to perform turbo construction without resources.
  • Controls in the menu that you operate with a controller now react again after a tooltip has appeared.
  • When the backpack is full, newly collected items no longer disappear when dropped again.
  • Fixed a bug when aiming diagonally with a controller.
    • Movement of the stick did not correctly affect camera rotation, so the camera never reached its maximum rotation speed when aiming diagonally.
    • The camera's input curves have been changed slightly to match the new diagonal target speeds.
  • Fixed motion correction bugs that occurred when activating mid-air sprinting and then landing after jumping.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a crash when pulling out.



  • A new item can now be picked up: mushrooms
    • Mushrooms grant 5 shields (up to a maximum of 100).
    • Can be found in shady, wooded, or swampy areas.

Bug fixes

  • The fuel gauge of the jetpack now continues to show the correct filling when changing to another jetpack.
  • Traps no longer wait for a player's building to be completed before triggering.
  • Vending machines can no longer be destroyed with remote ignition charges.


  • Mobile shopping carts are now in the game.
    • Space for two: push it or ride as a passenger!
    • You can shoot as a passenger.
    • Can be found in different locations anywhere on the map.
    • Fall damage is also possible in the car.


  • Overview
    • Faster storms, more loot, exciting final battles!
  • What's new?
    • The mode has been updated with all of the new weapons and items that have come out in a flash since the first: Pocket Fortress, Sticky Grenade, LMG, and more.
    • The bus flies lower so players can land in battle faster.
  • More details about the mode
    • The storm is approaching as soon as the match starts, so choose your landing site carefully!
    • The time between storm movements is much shorter than normal. Matches last a maximum of 15 minutes.
    • Chances of treasure chests spawning increased from 50–70 % to 80–90 %.
    • Chances of ammo boxes spawning increased from 65–80 % to 85–95 %.
    • Removes 50 % more resources.
    • Material amount of material stacks found on the floor increased from 30 to 75.
    • Supply shipments now spawn more numerous and more often, and sink faster.
    • In this mode, all services are included in the statistics.


  • Overview
    • Five teams of twenty players each fight for victory!
  • What's new?
    • Each team now has its own bus so that you can jump off together more easily.
    • Chests and supply drops now contain more ammunition and consumables.
  • More details about the mode
    • Each team consists of five small teams with four players each.
    • Chances of treasure chests spawning increased from 50–70 % to 60–80 %.
    • Chances of ammo boxes to spawn increased from 65–80 % to 75–90 %.
    • Now exactly five supply deliveries appear at the same time. The amount no longer differs per eye of the storm. The time between supply deliveries has been increased from 180 seconds (+/- 30) to 210 seconds (+/- 30).
    • In teams of 20 there are six eyes of the storm instead of nine. Most matches do not last longer than 20 minutes.
    • With the exception of victories, all performances in this mode are included in the statistics.

Bug fixes

  • Shotgun shots have been adjusted so that they are less likely to hit objects rather than players.
  • Opened chests no longer look unopened from a distance.
  • Players jumping off the battle bus are now facing the right direction.
  • You can no longer head shot a fallen player through their body.
  • Shots in the upper chest and neck no longer count as headshots.
  • Items that fall off the map are no longer teleported to the closest player.
  • Supply deliveries no longer collide with items on the ground upon landing.
  • The graphic effects when opening supply deliveries no longer appear too late.


  • The user interface at the end of the match has been extensively optimized so that there are fewer stuttering after the elimination.
  • In one case, we fixed a bug that caused traps and weapons to be improperly removed from memory between matches, causing the game to stutter.
  • Distance Field Ambient Occlusion (certain type of ambient occlusion) has been significantly optimized on PC, PS4 Pro and Xbox One X (optimization of graphics card usage).
  • The rendering of translucent objects has been optimized for all scenes on the console (optimization of the graphics card usage).
  • The loading of material has been further improved. Buildings and characters should load even faster and stuttering should occur less often.
  • Moving simulated, networked characters should use less processing power, especially those characters that are not visible to the player or are furthest away.


  • The rhythm of steps on earth and grass has been improved and should now be more consistent.

Bug fixes

  • The sound effects of jumping grenades are no longer audible after the grenade has exploded.


  • In streamer mode, your name is now anonymized for other players.
  • If major team modes like 20v20 are currently available, they will be selected by default for new players.
  • The function for the independent return of cosmetic items can be used again.

Bug fixes

  • The rotation speed of locker and shop items is not based on the sensitivity setting of your controller or your mouse.
  • You can now zoom into the map screen with the controller.
  • You can now customize the key assignment that is used to open the full screen map in observation mode.
  • Assigning emotes in the locker now works as intended.
  • After an elimination, the level and experience values of a player are no longer shown in the match statistics as 0.
  • The increase in points and experience of a player no longer goes over the edge in the match statistics when a match is completed.
  • Consumable timers are now displayed in all cases.


  • When firing the hunting rifle, separate animations for the player and the weapon are now displayed.
  • A visual effect will now appear when a player joins or leaves a group or changes outfits in the lobby before the match.
  • Slightly improved the animations of players who have gone down.

Bug fixes

  • Animation errors no longer occur when you hold a consumable item while flying the jetpack.
  • The jump animation when eating collected objects (apples, mushrooms) has been fixed.


  • The drone control of the repeat function is now smoother.
  • An option has been added to keep camera settings after changing cameras.
  • The sort order in the repeat list has been changed. Obsolete and damaged replays are now at the bottom of the list.


    • Voice chat with the group can now be activated in the settings. Use push-to-talk when communicating with your team!
    • Since this feature is not yet final, we would appreciate your feedback.
  • Editing differently designed stairs now works more consistently.

Bug fixes

  • General problems with the state of touch inputs have been fixed in order to better support "many" fingers.
  • The trajectory indicators no longer appear when going down.
  • The condition quantities of supply deliveries are now correctly updated in the event of damage.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from downloading Fortnite even with enough storage space.
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when touching the quick bar while weapon switching is not available. You could no longer change the weapon in the inventory.



The blockbuster order series is back!  
Where's Ray? What will happen to the Spitfire? Who is this mysterious hooded stranger? What's going on with Dennis right now? And is there a quest reward in the form of a mythical hero? The answers to these burning questions and much more can be found in ... Blockbuster 2: A hero is born.

  • As a reward for your commander level, there are now 64 additional skill points.
    • These new skill points are granted to players based on their current Commander level.
    • The last two defender skills in each level of the skill tree can now be unlocked.
    • For some players whose level was almost too far for the "yellow" missions on the map, these could now be displayed in green.
  • On the last day of each month, you can get two free upgrade llamas in the loot tab.
    • They're only there for that day, so don't miss your chance!
  • If you increase the difficulty of a mission with BluGlo, you will now be rewarded with more gold.
  • New daily orders are available:
    • Hull Eradication (Melee)
    • Hull Eradication (Assault Rifle)
    • Hull eradication (shotgun)
    • Hull Eradication (Sniper Rifle)
    • Hull eradication (pistol)
    • Hull eradication (trap)
    • Build the radar tower
  • The required target quantities of certain daily Destruction, Discovery and Extermination missions have been reduced.
  • Legendary Power Sources have been added to the Event Shop.
    • They will be available starting Thursday, May 31st at 2:00 AM EDT.
  • The preparation time for the “Scan the Comet” mission has been reduced from 10 to 5 minutes.

Bug fixes

  • For the task “Sometimes they come back”, zones are now highlighted in which there are really plump chrome shells.
  • Bulky chrome shells no longer appear multiple times in the first "Repair the Bunker" mission.
  • Rare enemies and mini-bosses now drop the correct amount of rare crafting materials.
  • Players now have to complete the last 4 minute battle for "Repair the Bunker" to be considered completed.


  • The NEW mythical soldier Carbide has been added to the blockbuster event series.
    • New subclass: Cobalt Command
    • New advantages
      • Shock and Bitzel: With "One in Each Hand" you equip space pistols whose projectiles cause energy damage, ricochet off and penetrate enemies.
      • Corrosive Ammunition: One in Each Hand now deals suffering damage to enemies and deals damage to them for 3 seconds.

Bug fixes

  • "I love reloading!" Will now have its duration renewed even if you use the already active ability again.
  • The animation of "One in Each Hand" should now play to the end without being interrupted by the player shooting.
  • The ninja mantis leap visual effects, which depend on the type of mutant storm, are now displayed when landing on buildings.
  • Frag grenades have no cost if the grenade does not spawn.
  • "Shock wave" and "fragmentation grenade" can no longer be interrupted in an impermissible manner.
  • Certain elements of a character who throws “Throwing Stars” are not visible during “Shadow Pose”.
  • If you fall off the edge of the map while "One in Each Hand" is active, your other abilities will no longer work after you respawn.
  • If you use "Forward command !!!" or "One in each hand" and at the same time force the game to close, it can no longer happen that you can no longer use any skills when restarting the game.
  • Fixed an issue where Nimble Feet ninja subclass could use Mantis Leap for free if the zone had the Ninjas Bouncing modifier.


  • The Pocket Fortress can now be found in the world.
    • Do you need a fortress in a hurry? Get the Pocket Fortress out!
    • The pocket fortress is made of metal and is three stories high.
    • It does not persist after you leave the mission.
  • The Tiger Assault Rifle has been added to the weekly shop.
    • An assault rifle with a telescopic sight that does a lot of headshot damage and has little recoil. Suitable for long distances, but impractical with close enemies.
    • The Tiger Assault Rifle has advantages that are unique to this weapon. Also, unlike previous event weapons, the rifle's perks are randomly chosen when you receive the weapon sketch, and you can change most of these perks.
    • The weapon will be available starting Thursday, May 31st at 2:00 p.m. CEST.
  • M80 and bottle rockets no longer exist after missions. In addition, they no longer take up space in the inventory and their tooltips have been adjusted according to the changes.
  • Crossbows now properly have a base critical strike chance of 10 % instead of 0 %.

Bug fixes

  • Legacy impact perks now give the correct impact value.
  • The Flaming Masamune's “Energy Nova” perk no longer deals damage to friendly and neutral buildings.
  • Golf clubs and baseball bats now benefit from benefits that improve endurance efficiency in heavy attacks.
  • For ranged weapons, legacy perks that increase energy damage are now displayed with the correct rarity.
  • The advantage of increasing the maximum building condition can no longer be stacked.
  • The benefit of increasing the maximum building condition now applies the correct bonus values and is now properly removed after the trap is destroyed.
  • Trap Perks will now trigger as often as intended.
  • The cooldown of the building healing benefit no longer resets when another trap with the same effect is attached to the wall.
  • Legacy Trap durability perks are now properly carried over to the new perk system.
  • The values of traps that do no damage no longer show the critical strike chance. This includes the following traps: freezer traps, catapult traps, healing pads, and wall lights.
  • The Roman Candle perk damage now scales properly. (now scales with tech).
  • Zapper and Zuckzuck can no longer receive headshot advantages.
  • Neon Sniper Rifles now have the correct head shot chance on Crushers.
  • The correct mini-map icon is now displayed on the military crossbow.
  • Wall dart trap gunshot trails have been moved so they can properly attack enemies within a maximum range of a tile.
  • Fixed an issue where the Flaming Masamunes unique perk was displaying quality levels, although this perk cannot be upgraded.
  • Neon Sniper Rifle shots now properly penetrate enemies.


  • Voice chat is now supported in Save the World on PC (and across platforms).

Bug fixes

  • The UI will now display correctly if you are revived after being knocked down while falling or building.
  • The particle system for dropped players now stays with the character. So if the player falls, the particles will stay with them.
  • Directional jump surfaces are no longer triggered repeatedly if a player is on the ground.
  • The height of the damaged area of wooden wall spikes has been decreased. This should make the area better match the shape of the case. Also, shields that protect enemies should, in most cases, not take any damage.
  • Hovering turret visual effects no longer persist for a while after the turret is destroyed.
  • The hover turret now correctly aims and shoots when taking down enemies with one shot.
  • The animation of the hover turret is now fully displayed.


  • The global chat can be switched off. You can change this under "Settings"> "Game"> "Global chat activated".
  • Microphone indicators have been added to the HUD alongside the names of nearby players.
  • The descriptions of FEUER-PLUS, NATUR-PLUS and FROST-PLUS now explain how to obtain them.
  • Voice chat settings are now available for Save the World.
  • A help screen has been added that can be accessed from the main menu.

Bug fixes

  • Lootable objects (mushrooms, bushes, etc.) now display health bars as intended.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from continuing in the rewards screen outside of the mission.
  • If you add items to the collection, it will no longer be done twice.
  • If you join a group after leaving it, the chat now works too.
  • The menu navigation between the sketch and the item list in the backpack has been fixed.
  • When a player equips a newly created weapon, the ammo meter now shows the correct number of bullets in the magazine.
  • The option "Modify Benefits" is no longer displayed for items in the collection.
  • Players who do not have enough resources will no longer get stuck in the Conspiratorial Benefit screen.
  • Perks that have been updated in the Perk Conspirator will now have their impact and knock-off effects updated correctly when the perks are upgraded.
  • Fixed the issue where the bottom buttons would appear twice after viewing chest rewards.
  • Fixed a bug in the Jobs tab where no active job was selected and the details of Twitch jobs were not displayed.


Bug fixes

  • The Onslaught of Crushers will no longer knock away players using certain skills such as Dragon Strike if they have already been hit and knocked away by the Onslaught.


Bug fixes

  • Graphic effects that flicker unevenly are no longer displayed on spotlights and mini-bosses.
  • If lag occurs while Under Pressure's benefit effect ends, its visual effect will no longer exist.
  • Storm shields are now properly visible when looking at them from below or above.


  • Updated Music: There are now new mixes of exploration / environment and combat music.
  • The following characters now have voice-overs in French, German, Russian, and Polish:
    • Soldier hawk
    • Designer Bull
    • Explorer Southie
    • Soldier Spitfire
    • Soldier Raven

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where medium threat music would play when encountering a single enemy. Since such a situation is less dangerous, the music just seemed too intense. The music now adapts more evenly to situations ranging from exploration to very dangerous combat.
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