God of War - Fight your Way!

God of War

The new God of War should not only be the biggest so far, but give players the opportunity to play as they want. The developers offer as many variants of different fighting styles as possible.

God of War - endless options

So you can specialize "your" Kratos and turn it into a berserk fighting machine, named after it God of War is worthy, but you have to expect that a goal almost eliminates you. If you invest more on the defensive, you can withstand more hits, but also do less damage.

Thanks to the talent system, you can determine yourself how Kratos develops and choose the style of play that suits you.

Armor also play a major role and offer either more protection or more mobility. With certain armor or upgrades, you can also shorten the cooldown times of certain skills. The legendary ax of Kratos, Leviathan, has its own talent tree and can also be adjusted within certain limits.

The adaptability doesn't end with the character and the talents. The HUD, i.e. the visible interface parts on the screen, can also be set with the new God of War. So you can display exactly the bars and values that you need.

God of War will be on April 20, 2018 released. The title is PlayStation 4 exclusive and should appear in an uncut version. We have added the video from the developers on the subject of “Fight your Way” - “Fight as you want” at the beginning of the article for you.

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