Grim Dawn - Second Forgotten Gods expansion announced

Grim Dawn Forgotten Gods

The Grim Dawn Developers today announced the second expansion for their Action RPG. The second DLC will be called “Forgotten Gods” and, after the rather gloomy areas of “Ashes of Malmouth”, leads us more to the sunny areas of the Eldritch Realm.

Grim Dawn - Forgotten Gods

As can be read in the first English announcement, enlargement takes us beyond the limits of the Erulan Empires. Glowing sand, relaxing oases and volcanic rocky plains await us, which we have to cross in search of the ruins of a secret city.

"In the Forgotten Gods expansion, you will journey beyond the bounds of the Erulan Empire, traversing burning sands, lush oases and volcanic wastes to reach the sun beaten ruins of a city with secrets that should never have been disturbed. The flames of a forgotten god have been rekindled, sending ripples through the Eldritch realm and sowing terror even among the Witch Gods themselves. "

In addition to various Quality of Life Features, functions that make gaming easier, there will be hundreds of new unique items. In addition, there are new unique monsters and other new enemies in the new dungeons and dungeons of "Forgotten Gods".

Already the first extension for Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth won numerous awards and was an immense success. The game world was expanded to include a huge new act and also offered 2 new classes, the Necromancer and the Inquitor.

Whether it is in Forgotten Gods will also give new classes is not yet known. More details should be available in the coming weeks and months. An additional game mode, perhaps similar to the Crucible DLC, will certainly come. However, this does not mean that the expansion is still in the concept phase and that years will pass before it is published. According to the team, development is already in full swing and the Grim Dawn expansion should appear in 2018.

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