Only a few days remain in the March season of the ranked games of GWENT to secure the rewards. The bear season ends on March 29th at 10 a.m.
So you have just under 5 days left in which you can improve your rank.
The beary GWENT season is drawing to a close
The titles of the current season of course reflect the spirit of the season and are accordingly kept in bear style
- Place 1-100 is, for example, the bear grandmaster
- Place 101-1000 giant bear
- 1001-10,000 grizzly bear
- Rank 20 bear grandmaster
- Rank 15 novice bear + avatar
- Rank 10 bear cub
Each rank also gets the corresponding frame with more and more decorations:
Here is the original message from the developers of CD Projekt Red:
The season of the bear is coming to an end soon - it will end on Thursday, March 29th at 10am EDT! But before you board your Drakkars in the final battle, let's take another look at the rewards you are fighting for:
Shortly after, the end of season rewards will be given out and the new season will follow - are you ready Dh'oine?
There is also a new edition of “This Week in GWENT”. There the Community Manager from Cd Projekt Red provides an overview of the week's events:

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