The current ranking season in GWENT ends at April, 30thSo it is time to take the final spurt. If you want to secure one of the rewards shown below, you only have about 1 week left.
After the elven season comes the viper season. Their leaderboards and pro-ladder will begin on the same day.
Here the official message of the GWENT team:
The season of the elves is coming to an end!
The wind slowly subsides. This means that the season of the elves and the pro-ladder season are about to end. You have until 10am (CEST) on April 30th to fight for these rewards.
Titles, frames and avatars will be distributed shortly after the season ends.
The next season - the season of the Viper and Pro-Ladder - start on the same day.
Hurry up, Iorveth won't wait!
GWENT: The Witcher Cardgame - Play of the Month
Like every month there is a Play of the Month video in which Pawel Burza, the Community Manage, shows you some of the coolest moves.
If you have made or observed a particularly unusual, decisive or even funny move yourself, you can watch your video on the Play of the Month Submit website. As a reward, card barrels and meteorite dust will be waved if your video is selected.