GWENT - Faction Challenge and Exchange Update


With the new GWENT Update "Exchange", the next faction challenge between Monsters and Skellige started this week.

GWENT - Monsters vs. Skellige faction challenge

The Faction Challenge goes until May 29th and this time there is a special reward:

“But that's not all - as an additional reward for the victorious faction, we are introducing a faction premium keg week! After the faction challenge ends on May 29th at 12pm CEST, every fifth card in the opened keg will automatically be upgraded to premium if it belongs to the victorious faction. For example, if the armies of bloodthirsty monsters win the challenge, any monster card you see in the "Pick 1 of 3" section of the keg opening will be Premium. The event will last until Monday, June 4th, 12:00 PM CEST. "

You can find more details about the challenge at the official homepage

At the Exchange update the focus was mainly on cards with the keyword "create" and the exchange mechanics. We have included the video from the developers with an overview of the patch at the beginning of the article for you.

The German patch notes of the GWENT patch can be found below:

GWENT - Exchange patch notes

Complete list of changes:
Swap abilities no longer trigger in the redraw phase. The explanation has been changed as follows: Move a card from your hand into the deck and draw another card on your turn to replace the moved one.


  • The ability of Provocation (Black Blood) has been changed: create a bronze necrophage or vampire and upgrade it by 2.
  • Doppler's ability has been changed: Generate a random bronze unit from your faction.
  • Olgierd von Everec's ability has been changed to: Death Wish: Resurrect this unit in a random row.
  • Olgierd von Everec's power changed from 9 to 5.


  • Devana Runestone can now create silver and bronze cards.


  • Stribog Runestone can now create silver and bronze cards.

Northern Kingdoms:

  • Zoria Runestone can now create silver and bronze cards.
  • Winch's ability has been changed: Boost all machines on your side of the battlefield by 3.
  • The Gray Pennant ability has been changed: summon this unit in a random row if you are over 25 behind at the start of the turn.


  • Morana Runestone can now create silver and bronze cards.
  • Elven Scout ability has been changed to swap a card.
  • Elven Scout Power changed from 1 to 10.
  • War Dancer ability no longer triggers during the redraw phase.
  • Vrihedd Vanguard's ability no longer triggers during the redraw phase.
  • Brouver Hoog's ability has been changed: play a silver unit that is not on espionage or a bronze dwarf from your deck.


  • Dazhbog Runestone can now create silver and bronze cards.
  • Changed the ability of Slaver: set the strength of an allied unit to 1 and inflict damage to an enemy unit equal to the strength lost.
  • Slaver Power changed from 1 to 10.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused Alpha Werewolf's ability to trigger from a full moon on the opposing side of the battlefield.
  • Fixed a bug where it was impossible to generate a unit on the battlefield when it was already full, even though the unit was called by an ability that first destroyed a unit on the battlefield.
  • Fixed a bug where cards could be redrawn before the redraw screen was displayed.
  • Fixed a visual bug that occurred when the mouse pointer was over an enemy unit on espionage whose ability had not yet been resolved.
  • Vabjorn's tooltip now correctly states that it can only damage enemy units.
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