With the new ranking list season, the individual seasons receive an individual topic from the GWENT developers. The season that has just started bears the title of our favorite dwarfs: Mahakam!
GWENT - Mahakam in power
The hunt for the highest rank and the corresponding rewards begins again. These were adjusted after the season was changed from two to one month. Thus, when the players reach 10/15/20, they already get avatar frames and titles. There are additional avatars for ranks 10 and 20, as well as for the top 10000. Here is the corresponding official statement:
“Speaking of rewards, after switching to a one-month ranking system for the game season, we also decided to adjust the distribution of the rewards. You will now receive avatar frames and titles upon reaching ranks 10, 15 and 20. Avatars are given to players who reach ranks 10 and 20, as well as to players who manage to place themselves in the top 10,000 of the season. Check out the table below to find out more. "
Here is the appropriate overview of the ranks and rewards:
In the case of the MMR (Match Making Ranking), the shortened season duration is also billed and the amount required is reduced. Then you have the necessary new values:
As the developers write, these values and the ranking system are still under observation and will be further adjusted for the March season of the bear if necessary. You can find the patch notes for the major balance patch released this week in our corresponding report.