Hearthstone - February Leaderboards Reward


After the big bang Hearthstone Competition with 3000 card packages for the winner, the rewards for the February ranking season came today.

Hearthstone - Changes to the ranking system

For the last time, you can earn the card back this time by reaching rank 20. As we reported, Blizzard is changing the system with the transition between the February and March ranking seasons. From March onwards, you don't have to reach rank 20 anymore, you just have to go long 5 ranked rankings wins. Hearthstone will then also show you with a small progress bar how many victories you are still missing this month. As I said, the new system will apply from March, for the beautiful "Wild glitter“The card back in February still needs to be ranked 20th.

Hearthstone - wild glitter

For each further rank reached you get additional dust in your loot box and the milestones such as rank 15/10/5 / legendary ensure additional golden cards. Your highest achieved rank in the season counts. For example, if you've been ranked 6th and have fallen back to 10 with a streak of bad luck, you still get:

  • 2 gold ordinary cards
  • 1 golden rare card
  • 25 dust

With the transition to the March season, your rank will not be completely reset for the first time and then the new starting rank will be determined by bonus stars. Instead, you will only be reset 4 ranks, so you will probably get back much higher than with the old system.

I wish you success!

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