Hearthstone - Free Arena on Hallow's Night


The headless rider is already in the starting blocks for the holy night and this year he is looking for them too Hearthstone Player home.

From the October 24th he drives his mischief in the inn and only disappears on November 6th again. During this time, the Hearthstone Inn will receive an extra creepy decoration and also offers some special challenges and rewards.

All players who log into Hearthstone between October 24th and 30th are rewarded with a pack of cards from the expansion "The whispers of the old gods". You will also receive free access to the arena.

Between October 31 and November 6, there is a pack of cards from the current expansion for logging in "Knight of the Frozen Throne" and also free access to the arena.

Hearthstone with the Schlotter Arena

The arena will not follow the standard pattern during this time either. Much more, there is a new mode to try out. You first choose a hero and then a hero ability. For example warriors and the hunter hero ability.

The cards that are available to you then represent a mixture of both classes. That is pretty much sure to make some crazy combinations that are even the Headless horsemen has not dreamed.

Since there are two free arena entrances during the Hallow's Night, it is definitely worth trying the whole thing.

And while we're at the headless rider, this one appears in the special map chaos from October 25th to 28th. We have to stop the rider and choose a costume with a special deck and a passive hero ability.

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