To get the quest card for magicians Opens the portal, The following combo deck and this Hearthstone guide spins.
Hearthstone Guide to Mages Quest Deck
At the moment in ranked games you mainly encounter 2 variants, with {tooltip}Archmage Antonidas{end-text}{end-tooltip} or with {tooltip}Arcane giant{end-text}{end-tooltip}.
The principle is the same for both, the first moves are about generating as many spells as possible for the fulfillment of the quest. Depending on the deck, the coup de grace with which you achieve victory with the additional move changes.
The archmage allows you to let an unlimited number of fireballs rain on your opponent.
While in variant 2 Alexstrasza is used and 2-4 arcane giants do the rest.
There are a number of servants and spells for generating the 6 spells that must not come from your deck:
{tooltip}Babbling book{end-text}{end-tooltip}
{tooltip}Flickering storm{end-text}{end-tooltip}
{tooltip}Glyph of prehistoric times{end-text}{end-tooltip}
{tooltip}Cabalist tome{end-text} {end-tooltip}
As a variant there is also the combination of flickering storm + steam surge + flame geyser.
Do you have Time warp and the remaining combo cards in hand, it goes to the endgame.
The Archmage Antonidas variant
Play 2x sorcerer's apprentice for 4 mana, 1x molten image on a sorcerer's apprentice for 2 mana, then time warp for 2 mana.
In the next turn you play Archmage Antonidas for 7 mana and 1 more molten image on a sorcerer's apprentice for 1 mana. Your army consists of the Archmage Antonidas + 4 sorcerer's apprentices and a fireball, which is reduced to 0 mana costs by the 4 apprentices. Open fire!
Alexstrasza + Arcane Giants
Your arcane giants are mostly reduced to 0 mana due to the many spells. So play 2 arcane giants + molten likeness on an arcane giant for 4 mana and time warp for another 4 mana.
On the next turn you play Alexstrasza for 8 mana and then you have three 8/8 arcane giants, one to mock you with possible servants and two more to kill the enemy.
Survive to the combo
The rest of the deck consists mostly of cards that allow you to survive. But don't worry, our Hearthstone Guide covers that too:
{tooltip}Ice barrier{end-text}{end-tooltip}, {tooltip}Ice block{end-text}{end-tooltip}
{tooltip}Frost Nova{end-text}{end-tooltip} + {tooltip}Herald of doom{end-text}{end-tooltip}
{tooltip}Blizzard{end-text}{end-tooltip}, {tooltip}Flame burst{end-text}{end-tooltip}
Arcanologist enables you to get to the ice block and ice barrier in time and at the same time thins your deck. Arcane intelligence, prey hamsters, blood magician Thalnos ensure additional cards are drawn.
Mulligan - starting hand selection
Booty hamsterer, babbling book and arcanologist give you cheap servants in the first rounds and at the same time ensure more cards. With the servants you fend off the enemy's creatures or you can even cause some damage.
In the following we show you the two mentioned decklists. Also in this Hearthstone Guide, you can move the mouse over the names so that you can see the map in all its glory:
Archmage Antonida's decklist:
- 2x {tooltip}Babbling book{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 1x {tooltip}Opens the portal{end-text} {end-tooltip}
- 1x {tooltip}Arcanologist{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Frostbolt{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Glyph of prehistoric times{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Flickering storm{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Sorcerer's apprentice{end-text} {end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Arcane intelligence{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 1x {tooltip}Frost Nova{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Ice block{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Molten image{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Blizzard{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 1x {tooltip}Flame burst{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 1x {tooltip}Archmage Antonidas{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Prey hamsterers{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 1x {tooltip}Acolyte of Pain{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Herald of doom{end-text}{end-tooltip}
That's 27 cards and leaves 3 spaces to adapt to your style of play. A combination of steam surge, cabalist tome or blood magician Thalnos is possible.
Deck list for direct import into the Hearthstone client
Just copy it and go to Collection -> Create new deck with the code in the clipboard:
Alexstrasza + Arcane Giant Deck List
- 2x {tooltip}Babbling book{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 1x {tooltip}Opens the portal{end-text} {end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Arcanologist{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Frostbolt{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Glyph of prehistoric times{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 1x {tooltip}Flickering storm{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Sorcerer's apprentice{end-text} {end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Arcane intelligence{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 1x {tooltip}Frost Nova{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 1x {tooltip}Ice barrier{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Ice block{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Molten image{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Cabalist tome{end-text} {end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Blizzard{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 1x {tooltip}Flame burst{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Arcane giant{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 1x {tooltip}Alexstrasza{end-text}{end-tooltip}
That would be 28 cards as the core of our Hearthstone Guide, the remaining 2 spaces can be filled, for example, with Medivh's valet or prey hamsterers.
Deck list for direct import into the Hearthstone client
Just copy it and go to Collection -> Create new deck with the code in the clipboard:
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