You like to play shaman, but the slimy murlocs are not your thing?
Then we have a variant with this evolution deck that can bring you up to the legendary rank. It holds up well against aggressive decks and can also defeat control decks with skillful play.
Hearthstone Guide - Evolutions Shaman
This deck is all about the extra value you get "Evolution" Give a card to your servants. To do this, you play as many servants as possible on the board and transform your entire army into stronger creatures that would otherwise have cost you significantly more.
The deck is filled with inexpensive servants and thanks to the shaman hero ability you can also use totems for evolution produce.
With spells of mass destruction like Thunderstorm and volcano, you keep the opposing army in check. Jade lightning helps with strong individual opponents and creates board presence.
Key cards
Double gangster + evolution
Stone height defender - helps against the many aggressive decks and can discover some very good cards for shamans such as: Thing from the depths
Ghost Echo - an insanely powerful card that can give you a second Aya Black Paw, Thing from the Deep or Stone Height Defender for a massive card advantage.
Hex - important to get rid of an opposing Tirion Fordring or Savannah High Mane.
Mulligan - starting hand selection
Good cards to keep are Jade Claws and Fire Devils. Portal: Maelstrom is good against the very aggressive decks like Pirate Warrior, Murloc Paladin / Shaman.
Mana Tide Totem is useful against very slow decks, as is the Stone Height Defender.
Flametongue totem is also worth keeping in order to be able to eliminate opposing servants early with buffed totems.
Deck list:
- 2x {tooltip}evolution{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Flametongue Totem{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Jade claws{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Portal: Maelstrom{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Hex{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Thunderstorm{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Mana Flood Totem{end-text} {end-tooltip}
- 1x {tooltip}Ghost echo{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Jade lightning{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Master of evolution{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}volcano{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Thing from the depths{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Fire devil{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Stone height defender{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 2x {tooltip}Double gangsters{end-text}{end-tooltip}
- 1x {tooltip}Aya black paw{end-text}{end-tooltip}
Deck list for direct import into the Hearthstone client
Just copy it and go to Collection -> Create new deck with the code in the clipboard:
AAEBAaoIApS9ApfHAg6BBPUE / gXwB / qqAvuqAuCwAqC2Avm / Aoe8AtG8AuvCAsfBApvCAgA =
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