The Treasure hunts were one of the most popular features in the last Hearthstone Extension Kobolds & Catacombs. In the witch forest we can now continue with the monster hunt.
Hearthstone - The Hunt for Hagatha
In contrast to K&K, this time there is a little waiting time between the release of Witch forest and access to hunting. So the fans had enough time to concentrate on the new cards first.
At the April 26 at 7 p.m. the time has finally come and the players can throw themselves into the new single player mission. The Monster hunting resembles treasure hunt, but this time you don't choose one of the nine standard classes. Instead, you choose one of 4 monster hunters to choose from. Each of these hunters have specific skills that will help you with the challenge.
As with the treasure hunts, you face several bosses in a row and after a successful victory, you improve your deck with the prey the vanquished. On the way to the final challenge Hagatha the witch, there is also a special boss in the way of each of your 4 hunters who can only be defeated by this hunter,
There is also a special quest for each individual hunter, upon completion of which you will receive a pack of cards The Witches' Forest receive. If you have managed to complete the quests with all the hunters, you can finally face Hagatha, the witch of the forest. With her death you freed the forest from the curse. For this, in addition to thanking Gilneas and his inhabitants, you will also receive the Monster hunter Card back.
The video with Hearthstone developer Cossack we added at the beginning of the article for you. There the team shows further insights into the hunt.