Hearthstone - Nerfs on Catacomb Crawler and others


After the Ranking changes was there today in Hearthstone Balance adjustments to several popular maps. Especially the one Catacomb Crawler if it hits hard, a 5/5 servant will weaken it to 2/5.

Hearthstone - Balance Changes for the New Year

Some cards are so strong right now that they are in almost every deck as they were back then Dr. boom. The Hearthstone team at Blizzard has now decided on 4 cards:

Catacomb Crawler: 2 attack instead of 5

In matches with many small servants, the catacomb creeper could sometimes be played out extremely early. Accordingly, the 5/5 wild animal was overpowering in round 3 or 4. With the attack reduced to 2, many decks will forego it. Mainly hunters who need a wild animal as a target for reinforcements like dog masters should continue to use it.

Hearthstone - Catacomb Crawler

Bone Horse:

Here the mana cost is increased from 7 to 8. This gives the opponent more time to have appropriate countermeasures ready.

Hearthstone - Bone Steed

Captain Googly Eye:

AAARRRG I'M IN CHARGE NOW !!! Uh no! No more charge / rush for the cute little pirate.

It took a long time, but shortly before the new Hearthstone year begins and some card sets leave the standard rotation in the wild format, the captain is also hit. Since the release of The streets of Gadgetzan Pirate decks were very strong and Captain Glubschauge found space in decks that actually had nothing to do with pirates.

Hearthstone - Captain Googly Eye


After 3 neutral cards there is also a change to the priest card Raza the Chained:

Haerthstone Raza the Chained

Instead of reducing the cost of the hero ability to 0, it will only be reduced to 1 mana.

So the OTK - One Turn Kills - the priest decks together with Shadow Reaver Anduin Do 30 damage in one go, be stopped. The combo offered almost no possibility of resistance, this changes with the update.

The changes come with me Patch 10.2 in February. After that, the altered cottages can be disenchanted for the full Arcane Dust value for 2 weeks. After that, until the next expansion, a time for magicians and warlocks should begin, since their strongest decks are not affected by the weakenings.

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