Hearthstone - New expansion Knights of the Frozen Throne


The next Hearthstone expansion has been determined and is set in one of the most popular World of Warcraft stories: Knight of the Frozen Throne.

Death Knights, Arthas, the Scourge, Icecrown Citadel, these names and memories send shivers down the spine of most Warcraft fans. From the days of Warcraft 2, when the story of Arthas Menethil, Frostmourne, and the Death Knights began, to the height of World of Warcraft and the Icecrown Citadel raid, generations of gamers have been fascinated.

For the implementation in Hearthstone, Blizzard has chosen a new type of card, the 9 heroes will be a corrupt version of the card in your deck. When playing, your hero will be replaced by the corrupted version. As an example, Blizzard showed Deathstalker Rexxar:

Deathstalker Rexxar   Hearthstone

When Rexxar's hunt came to an untimely end, he was resurrected as a death stalker, Rexxar. When this card is played, it fires a hail of arrows that inflicts 2 damage to all enemy servants, replaces your hero, and gives you 5 armor and the new hero ability Beast kit.

With the Beast Construction Kit, Death Stalker Rexxar can create a terrifying new zombiest by "discovering" parts of two former animal friends. The new creation combines the values of the two creatures he patched: mana cost, attack, life AND card texts. This animal monstrosity then wanders on Deathstalker Rexxar's hand.

Hearthstone - New Skill Life Siphon

"Lifesteal" is introduced as a new card ability, the effect is already in play on some cards such as Bloodsuckle, but is now given its own name. The effect is the same, the damage dealt by the card heals your hero for the same amount.

New solo adventures in Icecrown Citadel

The expansion not only brings tons of new cards and effects, but also 8 solo adventures that take place in the Icecrown Citadel. These new missions do not cost you anything, if you pass all 8 you will even get 3 card packs from Knights of the Frost Throne. In addition, upon completing the prologue mission you will receive a random, legendary death knight hero card.

The new Hearthstone expansion "Knight of the Frozen Thrones “will be released in August and, as always, you can already pre-order card packages. A 50 card package costs 49.99 € and you get the exclusive Frostmourne card back.

A video from the developers with the intro and further explanations of the new cards can be found at the beginning of the article.

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