Started tonight Blizzard the unveiling of the new Hearthstone expansion The Witches' Forest. A number of previously unknown cards were shown, some with the new mechanics and keywords like Echo, Zeal, etc. One detailed explanation of the echo keyword Peter Whalen from the development team released it last week.
Hearthstone - New cards shake up the leaderboard
Especially the cards with effects like "If your deck only contains cards with even / odd costs ..." are fun on cool new decks. The Hexenwald expansion will almost certainly shake up the current meta and provide variety in the ranked games.
You can watch the video of the live stream on Blizzards Twitch channel watch it anytime in case you missed it.
There is also an overview of all known cards. The Hearthstone Reddit Community has put together an imgur album of the published Witches Forest cards. You can find the link below:
Click the button below to download the content from
Bonus packs on Daily Quests
To celebrate the new year in Hearthstone, Blizzard is giving away free card packages. As a bonus, you will receive an additional card pack for every completed daily quests. Happy New Year of the Raven!