Hearthstone - Wildfest, ranking changes and balance patch


The announced Leaderboards and balance Changes have been uploaded to the live server with today's patch. The reset of the rank changes at the end of the monthly season and the catacomb crawler is sent back into the darkness. In addition, the game festival starts on February 19th in the Hearthstone Arena.

Hearthstone ranking changes:

  • Resetting no longer depends on stars earned in the season. Instead, you will be reset to 4 ranks behind the rank reached.
  • Players in the legend ranks will be reset to rank 4, 0 stars.
  • All ranks are now 5 stars.
  • Starting in March, you no longer need to reach Rank 20 to earn the monthly card back. Instead, you will receive the Seasonal Card Backs by winning any rank 5 games in the Standard Ranked or Wild Ranked format.

Balance changes:

  • Catacomb Crawler: 2 attack instead of 5
  • Bone horse: Mana cost increased from 7 to 8.
  • Captain Googly Eye: Loses rush
  • Raza the Chained: Reduces the mana cost of the hero ability to 1 instead of 0.

These cards can now be dismantled to their full dust value for 2 weeks.

The Hearthstone Wildfest:

In addition to the updates to cards and rankings, the Hearthstone developers bring us the Wildfest from February 19th to March 11th. During this time, the arena card pool will be converted to wild format, i.e. all existing cards. Since the activation of the game festival is already active, ongoing arena rounds ended automatically you should play the last games shortly beforehand. Blizzard also promises a warning in the game when the game festival is approaching.

There will also be 2 new ones Card chaos Give wild style variants: Law of the wild and The wild map coliseum.

At the Law of the wild a ready-made deck of cards is available to you. It is not yet clear which decks of the wild format Blizzard has selected for the players.

The wild map coliseum requires a self-built wild deck and offers an arena run in the chaos of cards:

“The Wild Card Coliseum uses decks created by players that are set and confirmed as the round progresses. A participation fee in the form of gold or real money must be paid. Players compete against each other until they have 12 wins or 3 losses, as in the arena. The rewards are also the same as in the arena. So get on your way and try the wild map coliseum - the first round is free! "

Hearthstone - Patch 10.2 Notes


  • In the first two moves of a game, you now have a little less time available. You still have significantly more time than most players need during these turns.
  • When switching from Valeera the Pale to Deathstalker Rexxar, Rexxar's Battlecry now properly destroys minions that have been buffed to 2 life by Stormwind Champion or similar effects.
  • Nemsy Nimmertot now has a golden frame if you have unlocked the golden warlock hero.
  • The jewels that indicate the rarity of cards have been removed by several summoned servants.
  • If you play multiple copies of Temporus in a row, your opponent will now get two turns, followed by two turns for you.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Divine Shield granted by Elixir of Purity from being silenced.
  • Spectators can now see the green frame around playable cards for both players.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause Hearthstone to freeze if a observed player was disconnected and that player's opponent gave up.
  • Hero card tooltips now correctly display in Spectator Mode.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the game to crash when drawing a candle of darkness after the darkness was no longer inactive.
  • Grand Archivist can now properly cast Candle of Darkness when the card is in a player's deck.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the game to crash when playing certain cards that reduce costs.
  • An unexpected interaction has been removed that could occur in combination with anomalus, servants with ridicule and calls of command.
  • Missing tooltips for several cards have been added in the collection.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause players to get stuck if they reconnected before their first turn.
  • Fixed a bug where after completing a game only progress for a daily quest was displayed.
  • Icebreaker can now properly destroy it without activating its effect while Moistmane is frozen.
  • Fixed UI errors that could occur when an arena deck was abandoned.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the Friends menu to remain active while a Friends Challenge was in progress.
  • Several minor graphics and text errors have been fixed.

Treasure Hunt & Adventure

  • Maps that appear in multiple loot categories have been tweaked slightly.
  • Cards stolen from Felt Gloves will now appear in the history when Felt Gloves is played by an opponent.
  • Fixed a visual bug related to Waxbeard's banner that could cause servants to gain rush.
  • [Adventure] Atramedes will now properly use his Hero Ability whenever he should.

Mobile devices

  • Fixed a bug in the collection that allowed players to interact with the card set filter even though it was behind the "Done" button.
  • When scrolling through an arena deck on a mobile device, you will no longer receive unnecessary messages.
  • The back button now works as intended after completing an arena round.
  • When viewing an event in the history, newly added events are now properly refilled in the history.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed crafted cards to remain in the foreground of the collection.
  • Fixed a visual bug related to the search bar in the collection.
  • [Android] A bug related to the progress bar for downloads has been fixed.
  • [iOS] iOS 8.0 or higher is now required for compatibility.
  • [iOS] The game client will no longer occasionally freeze when watched players win a game.
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